30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

Categories: World

Our big world is full of amazing discoveries and, of course, impossible to know the answers to all the questions. Fortunately, you can find them on the Internet...

One of the communities of Reddit called "What is it?" helps to find answers. Some users post the photos in a strange unidentified objects, and others help to deal with the fact that it still is.

From unusual demonic creatures to the strange door to the toilet, from obscure petropedetes to the hole in the sky — in this collection you will find a lot of interesting answers to the questions can be overwhelming.

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

What was that green alien in the middle of the rose patch?

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

As a former head of the pharmaceutical laboratory, it is believed that the acrylates on the adhesive side of the patch, which has absorbed plenty of moisture over the past five years. Or there was a sharp change of temperature or too low humidity level. Perhaps this green is the result of the reaction of one of the components in the ink composition of the plaster, which at a certain pH becomes green. It also explains the uniformity of color and crystallization. But since such medical products like band-AIDS do not lead the list of ingredients included in their composition, I can not say for sure what is a component. If the patch is stored in a dry place without temperature changes, the shelf life is not limited. But manufacturers imply that their products will be for a long time stored in the changing temperature and humidity. Typically, the persistence of medical plasters is about two years, during which they will be purchased at a pharmacy.

The second option: it's just a powder.

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

She runs the screen saver.

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

He sent you lockets with his cane.

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

The male moth or butterfly bear Creatonotos Gangis.

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

Damn dude, that sounds like a rattle from the tail of a rattlesnake.

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

I bet that bird of prey caught a pregnant snake, start eating it and, not having finished lunch, grabbed the prey and flew. Eggs fell out of the snake during the flight. No kidding!

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

It's definitely a mushroom, paulinic protective mucosal. I envy you right! If you take a piece and place it in another Bank, you will have a new pet. They feed on oats.

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

The black dots located around the perimeter of automobile glass, called "Frit". They are made of ceramic paint, baked in the camera.

They perform several functions. First, protect the sealant that holds the glass in place against UV rays. Polyurethane adhesive, which prevents the ingress of water into the salon and actually holds the glass in place, afraid of sunlight and prolonged exposure to losing their properties.

Secondly, if it was not fritton, a sealant layer, which is adhered to the glass, would have been seen. So they are also an aesthetic burden.

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

This is a spiny oak caterpillar of lisnevich, covered with eggs of a parasitic insect — braconid.

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

A robotic courier from Starship Technologies for the delivery of food.

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

Cool discovery. A big part of that closer to us, is the floor mosaic. Square stone with a hole in the base of the column. The building dates back to around 100 BC — VII century ad

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

This dwarf honeybees, native bees Olevia Asia.

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

The magic of pine branches means rebirth, immortality, and overcoming difficulties through optimism and inner strength. Pine needles are burned to improve health. Maybe someone likes you?

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

During the reign of the Chinese Emperor Qianlong (1736-1796) the wearing of knives was mandatory for all Manchus and Mongols. Included with this knife were two sticks. The set was designed for eating meat, which is eaten, not biting, and slicing with a knife.

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

Predatory cone snail laid eggs. In this mass there are hundreds of snail eggs.

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

It is part of siphonophora, free-floating marine animal. The air bubble serves as a sail. Don't touch them! They can seriously sting like jellyfish.

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

It sounds like bait, which is used for tracking "drugstore thieves." Oxycodone — opioid analgesic, a narcotic analgesic.

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

It's simple — it's the seed cones of the Magnolia tree.

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

This pyrite. During the gold rush due to similarity of appearance with gold it was called "fool's gold". Such forms cubic crystals.

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

This is a pendant for a perfume. It is usually worn around the neck.

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

Gas-discharge Nixie tube indicator CD47 — ion device for displaying information. The largest of all indicators, very rare and valuable. On eBay this costs about $ 1,500.

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

These ladies — Crown of the Five Holy Wounds worn by the nuns Birgittine order (a Catholic monastic order founded by Saint Birgitta Swedish in the XIV century).

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

Responsible architect. The point is that with the unusual shape of the doors architects/designers prevent pollution of the toilets. In some areas the rules have to be the restrooms. But cleaning takes time and money. The main purpose of these doors — the restriction of privacy. Few would agree so open to use the bathroom. Less people, less pollution.

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

It pyatnistaya ambistoma.

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

This greenhouse, which uses violet led lamps. When the night is cloudy, cool they light up the sky. If the lamps yellow glow even more.

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

Looks like the fossilised remains of clusters of tube worms.

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

It's simple: eggs lacewing.

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

This atmospheric phenomenon is called "maroobra band of precipitation". Is formed in a region of Cirrus-Cumulus clouds in the case when the liquid is in a supercooled form. Can be caused, for example, flying through clouds the plane.

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

This is the sea Lily (Crinoidea). A relative of starfish and sea urchins.

30 bewildered people who found the Internet for the answer to your question

This is most likely a dispenser for cigarettes.

Keywords: Reddit | Questions | Social network | Amazing

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