3 things high IQ people can do
Categories: People | Science | Society | World
By Vika https://pictolic.com/article/3-things-high-iq-people-can-do.htmlThey say that geniuses are not born. High intelligence and developed mental abilities are the result of many years of hard work and work on oneself. But nevertheless, in each of us, nature has the rudiments of some abilities, a certain set of qualities, to the development of which this or that person is predisposed. Of course, for a natural intellectual, comprehension of various disciplines will be much easier.
1. Shapes
In order to conduct this simple test, which will show how intelligent you are, you only need pencils and a piece of paper. Take pencils in both hands and try to draw two different shapes at the same time, such as a triangle and a square. Well, how does it work? Then you can be proud of yourself!
Scientists have found that such an exercise, where two hands must perform two different actions at the same time, should activate both hemispheres of the brain. Among the lucky ones who manage to do this are people with evenly developed left and right hemispheres of the brain. This testifies to their high intelligence.
2. Combinations of feelings
People who are gifted with extraordinary minds are usually also distinguished by increased sensitivity. This can manifest itself both in excessive anxiety, and tearfulness, and in the ability to subtly empathize, and understand the emotions of others. A clear sign that a person can be attributed to intellectual is the emergence of complex, complex feelings that are often difficult to understand others.
For example, brilliant people have vivid visual images when listening to music, they often make associations between some color and smell (for example, they say that yellow smells like honey to them), and sometimes they can even feel the taste from one touch to the surface. And you did not notice such a feature?
3. Loneliness
As the classic said: "loneliness is the desire to limit contact with fools." These words sound somewhat jocular, but they have a serious justification. In fact, smart people are often united by a desire for solitude. They do not like fuss, excessive noise, or crowds of people.
With such subtle natures, intellectuals are often removed from society in search of silence and the opportunity to calmly think. This theory is also confirmed by the fact that most of the prominent scientists led a reclusive lifestyle. Also, gifted people often have a habit of sleeping late and going to bed late at night, which can also be regarded as a desire for solitude and peace.
Keywords: People | IQ | High IQ | High IQ people | Geniuses | Tips | Intelligence | Mental abilities | Development
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