28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

Categories: Design and Architecture | Food and Drinks

For the average consumer, food packaging is nothing more than a necessary evil, so that the products remain intact until the time comes to use them for their intended purpose. The packaging of such familiar products as butter and some juice is unlikely to be admired, rather, it will quickly end up in the trash. However, designers have recently stopped us from getting so bored with food and come up with delicious and fantastically simple packaging. 

28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

You can make a birdhouse out of a wooden wine box.

28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

Tea bags.

28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

Juice glasses.

28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

A bottle of milk.

28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

A spaghetti wrap, where each hole measures out a portion for one person.

28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

Drop-down tea bags.

28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

The milk carton changes color as the expiration date approaches.

28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

Chocolate bars in the form of tubes of oil paint.

28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

Egg packaging.

28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

Honey packaging made of beeswax, which can be used as a candle.

28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

The cookie container turns into a bowl.

28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

Tea bags.

28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

Another concept for packaging cookies.

28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

Ice cream fruit ice.

28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

Package of sardines.

28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

Here is a non-boring packaging for jars of jam.

28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

Popcorn packaging that opens when it's ready.

28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

A pizza box that can be used to make a projector.

28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

The lid for the yogurt can be folded, and you get a spoon.

28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

The most honest package of chocolate-on each serving it is written how many calories are in it.

28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

With this packaging, you will not lose a drop of wine.

28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

A set of spices.

28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

28 examples of ingenious food packaging that doesn't belong in the trash

Loco wine (translated as "crazy").

Keywords: Design and architecture | Creativity | Products | Packaging | Food and drink

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