25 weird, creepy and creepy facts about the human body
Categories: Health and Medicine | Science | World
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/25-weird-creepy-and-creepy-facts-about-the-human-body.htmlIt seems that learning something new about our own bodies is endless, and it's always interesting - for example, did you know that information enters the brain at a speed of 430 km / h? However, it is better not to know something if you want to sleep peacefully at night, and the facts from this collection are just that case.
The jaw of every child is full of teeth, and this fact seems completely harmless until you realize what it looks like ... like this.
Anyone who has ever ridden rides, especially steep rollercoasters, is familiar with the strange sensation in the stomach. In fact, it is your internal organs that are being displaced, especially those that are not secured by ligaments, such as the intestines.
If you rub the soles of your feet with garlic, then after about half an hour you will feel its taste in your mouth. There is a substance in garlic that penetrates cell membranes, travels up the bloodstream and reaches the taste buds. Thus, garlic can be tasted with your feet.
If you think about it, we are all stupid 1.5-kilogram brains riding a meat bike, which we call the body.
The acid in your stomach is so strong that it can dissolve a razor blade, so your stomach is constantly fighting it to keep from digesting itself. This acid is held back only by gastric mucus.
If you do not let a person sleep and at the same time do not feed, he will die from lack of sleep before than from exhaustion.
There is a type of tumor that can grow teeth on a woman's ovaries and a man's testicles.
Since a person sheds about 40,000 old skin cells per day, the dust you see in the house is made up of you. That is, every time you come to someone else's house, you breathe in thousands of cells of someone else's skin.
Males can produce milk and this is much more common than it seems; most men are simply ashamed to admit it. Male lactation can be caused by starvation - this was observed in concentration camp prisoners when they were fed for the first time after several weeks of starvation.
After decapitation, the disembodied head will remain conscious for about 15 seconds. Perhaps this time is even enough for the brain to realize what happened.
Because we evolved to be upright, women's pelvises and birth canals have narrowed dramatically, meaning they have to endure some of the most painful births on the planet. In this regard, in 1780, during childbirth, women sawed off part of the pelvic bone with a chainsaw to facilitate this process.
There are no pain receptors in the brain, so people can stay awake and calmly talk to doctors while they perform brain surgery on them.
In very rare cases, what might be mistaken for a normal runny nose is brain fluid that the brain releases to relieve pressure.
During some brain surgeries, doctors simply peel off the patient's face like a peel from a banana.
If a woman's ligaments are stretched, and the muscles of the vagina are not strong enough, the uterus may simply fall out.
In preparation for the operation, almost the first thing you do is clean your navel, since up to 67 types of bacteria can accumulate there.
In preparation for the operation, almost the first thing you do is clean your navel, since up to 67 types of bacteria can accumulate there.
Our immune system does not always recognize the eyes as part of the body, so there are many diseases in which the immune system attacks and tries to destroy the eye, which can blind the person in the process.
A person produces more earwax when they are stressed, and this stressed earwax smells much worse than usual.
Right now, mites may be mating on your eyelashes without you even knowing it.
The water you drink has most likely been inside someone or something else.
In one 10-second kiss, up to 80 million bacteria can be exchanged. Therefore, if you kiss your partner several times a day, you will develop similar colonies of oral bacteria.
If someone sneezed in your face, they launched microbes into you at a speed of 160 kilometers per hour. Cough in comparison is not so bad - only 100 kilometers per hour.
When you die, your body will begin to digest itself as enzymes eat through cell membranes and leak out.
Placentophagy is the practice of eating the placenta that comes out after childbirth. It is either cooked or eaten fresh. According to a Canadian study, 24% of women surveyed ate their placenta after giving birth.
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