25 simple ways to make the cottage the perfect place to stay

25 simple ways to make the cottage the perfect place to stay

Categories: Design and Architecture | Life hacks

What is giving the owner does not want to turn it exclusively in place? Where you can relax, wallow, and that grew all by itself. However, we are often constrained by the scope of the family budget, but believe me, miracles can be done literally from nothing.

We will help you to transform six acres in the most comfortable place in the world, and even if you still have to dig and weed, it will not be so hard to do.

25 simple ways to make the cottage the perfect place to stay

25 simple ways to make the cottage the perfect place to stay

1. Box with pebbles for dirty feet

And it's nice to stand barefoot on the warm pebbles! Don't forget to cover the wood waterproof impregnation. If you have no place to collect stones, you can buy them.

25 simple ways to make the cottage the perfect place to stay

2. Swing from everything from skateboard

25 simple ways to make the cottage the perfect place to stay

3. From an old chair

25 simple ways to make the cottage the perfect place to stay

4. From the construction of the pallet

The main thing — direct hands, the ropes tight and reliable tree where it can all hang.

25 simple ways to make the cottage the perfect place to stay

5. Vases from bottles

25 simple ways to make the cottage the perfect place to stay

6. Unforgettable holidays for children

25 simple ways to make the cottage the perfect place to stay

7. Drawing Board on the fence

Just something you need: fence, chalk Board and of any size, covered with slate paint.

25 simple ways to make the cottage the perfect place to stay

8. Water mattress for children

No baby in the heat will not pass, and is simple (read more).

25 simple ways to make the cottage the perfect place to stay

9. The climbing wall in the country

If you have strong walls, you can make great fun for children. Hooks for climbing you can buy in sports shops.

25 simple ways to make the cottage the perfect place to stay

10. Bush lemongrass (lemongrass) will save you from mosquitoes

Buy adult plant lemon grass, remove dead leaves and for a few weeks, put in a container of water on the window (you need to have a lot of sun). A couple of weeks it will take root and can be transplanted to the site.

25 simple ways to make the cottage the perfect place to stay

11. Old folding chairs can be updated with bright spray paint

And if you have Golden hands, you can add padded seat with a bright upholstery.

25 simple ways to make the cottage the perfect place to stay

12. Vertical garden of the old drain pipes

You can grow herbs or hang on chains and make a hedge of climbing plants.

25 simple ways to make the cottage the perfect place to stay

13. Fountain of inflatable pools

Detailed instructions in English.

25 simple ways to make the cottage the perfect place to stay

14. A wind chime from old keys

25 simple ways to make the cottage the perfect place to stay

15. Umbrella in the tub

25 simple ways to make the cottage the perfect place to stay

16. Hut of wrap and colourful tissue

25 simple ways to make the cottage the perfect place to stay

17. Glade with sunflowers

25 simple ways to make the cottage the perfect place to stay

18. If you plant sunflowers on the perimeter, get cozy area for children

25 simple ways to make the cottage the perfect place to stay

19. Or green tent

Of course, to get the result, you need some time, but as cozy!

25 simple ways to make the cottage the perfect place to stay

20. Led cord lights instead

Put it along a track and you will get mysterious and practical lighting. Don't be afraid, they are waterproof.

25 simple ways to make the cottage the perfect place to stay

21. Diapers in pots

Below the flowers are always received enough moisture, and the excess has been no dirty drops on the floor, just put on the bottom of the pot a diaper.

25 simple ways to make the cottage the perfect place to stay

22. Bicycle Parking in the beam

25 simple ways to make the cottage the perfect place to stay

23. Village on a bed

25 simple ways to make the cottage the perfect place to stay

24. Colored stones will make your garden more fun

Here imagination can be limitless.

25 simple ways to make the cottage the perfect place to stay

25. Scrabble on the grass

25 simple ways to make the cottage the perfect place to stay

26. Fluorescent paint on the pots will make your flowerbed magic

25 simple ways to make the cottage the perfect place to stay

27. Mirror balls on the lawn

Cover balls of different sizes mirror paint (with chrome effect, you can buy in the construction and automotive stores) — simply unforgettable sight.

Keywords: Cottage | Vacation | Tips | Advice | Comfort

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