25 Master Animals That Will Trick You into Cookies
Categories: Animals | Positive
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/25-master-animals-that-will-trick-you-into-cookies.htmlIt happens that you really need to ask for something, but you don’t know how to do it and from which side to approach. Just look at these furry craftsmen and you will understand how to do it right. At the sight of these attentive eyes, you will give anything.
(Total 25 photos)
Source: pixland.lv
1. Hello! Have you come to buy me a cookie?
2. Treat me to a sausage, and I'll let you sleep at night.
3. Will you share the leftover peanuts?
4. I already ran. When will my meat fillet be ready there?
5. O God of our river, send me a delicious fish.
6. Do you know that the smaller the kitten, the larger the sausage should be?
7. You don't want this cookie!
8. The same look when I saw a cookie in the distance.
9. It seemed to me or do you have cookies in your hands?
10. Well, just cookies!
11. Can I have that piece? Yes, that's it, thanks!
12. Look into my eyes, the hypnosis session will begin now! You take a sausage and put it on the floor...
13. Stop! Pass only after you pay for the pass with nuts!
14. Nooo, cookie, come back!
15. Two kilos of honey cookies, please.
16. I can't believe my eyes! Bake-e-e-enka!
17. Will we share cookies? From the bottom of my heart, bro!
18. - Do not ask for less than a kilogram. — Six large cookies, please.
19. Please give herrings.
20. To hell with you, I'll take it myself.
21. I want such a carrot!
22. One cat in the world is sad when you eat someone's sour cream.
23. Terrible weather, soaked to the skin. Let me warm up, please! Do you think you have cookies?
24. Yes, this one! With caramel filling.
25. Oh, is it for me? That you, right, shouldn't have. Thanks a lot!
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