25 abandoned ships from around the world

25 abandoned ships from around the world

Categories: World

The United Nations estimates that there are more than 3 million shipwrecked ships worldwide. These once majestic vessels, which today lie at the bottom of the sea or are located on the coast, are a reminder that nothing in our world is eternal. Once these ships sailed the seas, and now they serve as a sad reminder of the days of the past.

25 abandoned ships from around the world

25 abandoned ships from around the world

Once a Soviet-flagged vessel off the coast of the Turks and Caicos Islands, a British overseas territory in the Caribbean Sea, in the southeastern part of the Bahamas.

25 abandoned ships from around the world

Off the coast of the island of Fuerteventura — one of the Big Canary four. (WOLLEX)

25 abandoned ships from around the world

Gitio is now a small fishing town, which in ancient times was the main port of Sparta. (JUSTELINE)

25 abandoned ships from around the world

Zakynthos island in the Ionian Sea. (TO GIAN)

25 abandoned ships from around the world


25 abandoned ships from around the world

Vila Nova de Milfontes in Portugal. (FRANK ZILLMANN)

25 abandoned ships from around the world

Location unknown. (DARTH)

25 abandoned ships from around the world

The Redcliffe Peninsula in Australia. (GORKATH)

25 abandoned ships from around the world

Grytviken, South Georgia. (NOAA PHOTO LIBRARY)

25 abandoned ships from around the world

Truk Lagoon in Micronesia. During the Second World War, a large Japanese naval military base was located on the nearby islands. On February 17, 1944, the Americans launched Operation Hilston, which resulted in the sinking of more than 30 large and many small Japanese ships. (GH0STDOT)

25 abandoned ships from around the world

Off the coast of Grand Cayman — the largest of the Cayman Islands. (HAWKFISH)

25 abandoned ships from around the world

Tobermory, Ontario, Canada. (ALIJA BOS)

25 abandoned ships from around the world

And again the waters of the Truk Lagoon in Micronesia. (GH0STDOT)

25 abandoned ships from around the world

25 abandoned ships from around the world25 abandoned ships from around the world

Batumi, Georgia. (RICHARD BARTZ)

25 abandoned ships from around the world

Crainboogle Point in the United Kingdom. (LAIRD TURNER)

25 abandoned ships from around the world

Off the coast of Italy. (Klaus Leidorf)

25 abandoned ships from around the world

Mar del Plata, Argentina. (MISSALIONA)

25 abandoned ships from around the world

Grytviken, South Georgia. (SERGE OUACHEE)

25 abandoned ships from around the world

Muynak in Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan. (ISSALIONA)

25 abandoned ships from around the world

In the Red Sea. (JOOS J. BAKKER)

25 abandoned ships from around the world

The waters off the coast of the Norwegian city and municipality of Tromso.

25 abandoned ships from around the world

Laconia in the south of the Greek Peloponnese peninsula.

25 abandoned ships from around the world

Fraser is a sandy island off the east coast of Australia.

25 abandoned ships from around the world

Amorgos is an island in Greece, in the southern part of the Aegean Sea.

25 abandoned ships from around the world

25 abandoned ships from around the world

Saint Lawrence Island is an island in the southern part of the Bering Strait, 80 km from the Chukotka Peninsula.

Keywords: Island | Ship | World | Abandoned

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