22 would-be designers and their "works"

22 would-be designers and their "works"

Categories: Design and Architecture | Positive

There is a talent from God, and there are hands from ... shoulders. These people have just the second. They have hands, they can do something with them, but it doesn't matter whether it's good or bad. Yes, a bad design can ruin even the best product, not to mention more serious things. Here are at least 22 examples of how would-be designers managed to distinguish themselves and screw up when no one expected it.

22 would-be designers and their "works"

22 would-be designers and their "works"

Yes, it is so installed. No, they haven't heard about pipe adapters.

22 would-be designers and their "works"

This is how modern architecture has ruined the national Heritage site in Bucharest.

22 would-be designers and their "works"

"Either I'm too big, or there's something wrong with the sink"

22 would-be designers and their "works"

So that it would not be boring to relieve yourself.

22 would-be designers and their "works"

The creator of this toy decided that one mouth of the tiger would not be enough.

22 would-be designers and their "works"

Not the most successful advertisement. Causes dizziness and nausea.

22 would-be designers and their "works"

Excellent parking space! I wonder why no one has taken it yet?

22 would-be designers and their "works"

Although, some designers, obviously, do not care about both motorists and pedestrians.

22 would-be designers and their "works"

"The original, they said. Quality!"

22 would-be designers and their "works"

"The door in the bathroom of my hotel does not close, because it is hindered by... the toilet"

22 would-be designers and their "works"

We take care of people with disabilities, but not completely.

22 would-be designers and their "works"

"The switch is located directly behind a sharp metal sheet. Several times I almost cut my finger"

22 would-be designers and their "works"

Yes, we have a ramp. But first you need to climb the stairs.

22 would-be designers and their "works"

Did you really need an outlet?

22 would-be designers and their "works"

Not the best advertisement for a children's hair salon.

22 would-be designers and their "works"

Personal space? Not here!

22 would-be designers and their "works"

"There is no sliding door in this hotel in Las Vegas, so the entire bathroom is watered with water"

22 would-be designers and their "works"

"In this reproduction of the fresco by Diego Rivera, the entire section is missing due to the poorly positioned doorway. This could have been easily avoided by moving the mural two meters to the right."

22 would-be designers and their "works"

And then they say, " Look into my eyes!"

22 would-be designers and their "works"

Thanks to the design of the pillowcase, it seems that bugs are crawling on it.

22 would-be designers and their "works"

Teaching children good manners? And it looks like something elseā€¦

22 would-be designers and their "works"

Cook for 123 minutes.

Keywords: Positive | Design and architecture | Selection | Funny | Humor | Designers

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