22 "ugly ducklings" who could become "beautiful swans"

22 "ugly ducklings" who could become "beautiful swans"

Categories: Social Networks | World

These guys had to go through a lot — uncertainty, complexes, mockery and ridicule of others. But, despite everything, they coped and were able to turn from "ugly ducklings" into "beautiful swans". Let their photos become an example and motivation for someone.

22 "ugly ducklings" who could become "beautiful swans"

22 "ugly ducklings" who could become "beautiful swans"

16 and 28 years old.

22 "ugly ducklings" who could become "beautiful swans"

That feeling when at 14 you look older than at 22.

22 "ugly ducklings" who could become "beautiful swans"

"But then not a single girl looked in my direction"

22 "ugly ducklings" who could become "beautiful swans"

«15-27. I am so grateful for braces!"

22 "ugly ducklings" who could become "beautiful swans"

22-25. What a change!

22 "ugly ducklings" who could become "beautiful swans"

I can't even believe that the same person is in the photo.

22 "ugly ducklings" who could become "beautiful swans"

18-23. And the guy has matured!

22 "ugly ducklings" who could become "beautiful swans"

"The difference is 2 years. I lost 45 kg, changed my hairstyle and style. Became a different person"

22 "ugly ducklings" who could become "beautiful swans"

32 Vs. 37. It's never too late to start working on yourself.

22 "ugly ducklings" who could become "beautiful swans"

18-23. From an overweight teenager to a confident man.

22 "ugly ducklings" who could become "beautiful swans"

Better late than never!

22 "ugly ducklings" who could become "beautiful swans"

«18-28. It's been a long way."

22 "ugly ducklings" who could become "beautiful swans"

«15-20. Finally, I feel confident."

22 "ugly ducklings" who could become "beautiful swans"

16 years Vs. 22 years old.

22 "ugly ducklings" who could become "beautiful swans"

"In the first photo I am 21, now I am 28. I think I've changed a bit."

22 "ugly ducklings" who could become "beautiful swans"

«16/24. It was just necessary to turn the hair 180 degrees."

22 "ugly ducklings" who could become "beautiful swans"

"At the age of 22, I learned for the first time that I have a chin."

22 "ugly ducklings" who could become "beautiful swans"

"2009 and 2021. Why do I look older in the first photo?"

22 "ugly ducklings" who could become "beautiful swans"

The difference between the photos is 4 years.

22 "ugly ducklings" who could become "beautiful swans"

25-40. After 40, life is just beginning!

22 "ugly ducklings" who could become "beautiful swans"

"25 years old: anorexia, TMJ dysfunction, smoking, alcohol and drug use. 33 years old: underwent surgery on the jaw, no longer drink and do not smoke. PS The first photo shows the chocolate sauce that friends poured on me on my 25th birthday."

A visual aid on how to look younger at 26 than at 16.

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