22 photos that depict amazing things that actually exist

22 photos that depict amazing things that actually exist

Categories: Positive | Social Networks | World

Looking at these photos, you may think that they depict some kind of fantasy and the nevernever. But this is not so! All the things and phenomena that are shown here exist or have ever actually happened.

22 photos that depict amazing things that actually exist

22 photos that depict amazing things that actually exist

"Black Crack" in the Canyonlands National Park, USA, Utah.

22 photos that depict amazing things that actually exist

Weapons used by the Apaches, French gangsters, in the early 1900s. This is a pistol, brass knuckles and a knife at the same time.

22 photos that depict amazing things that actually exist

Amazing vymeobraznye clouds in the sky over Canada.

22 photos that depict amazing things that actually exist

A visual representation of how many planets the Earth could fit inside the Sun.

22 photos that depict amazing things that actually exist

Murmuration of starlings over Rome. 

22 photos that depict amazing things that actually exist

The snake was so hungry that it ate the mouse along with the mousetrap.

22 photos that depict amazing things that actually exist

A fighter of the underwater special forces from Serbia.

22 photos that depict amazing things that actually exist

In 2012, French beekeepers could not understand why honey turns green and blue until they discovered that bees arrive at a local factory where M&M's chocolate is produced.

22 photos that depict amazing things that actually exist

Such crystals are called dendrites because of their bizarre patterns and their similarity to trees.

22 photos that depict amazing things that actually exist

Hitachi Seaside Park in Japan. This is exactly what it looks like in mid-October.

22 photos that depict amazing things that actually exist

This tree grows around the trunk of another tree.

22 photos that depict amazing things that actually exist

Kurt Wenner, the inventor of 3D street art, on the background of one of his works.

22 photos that depict amazing things that actually exist

This is what a Himalayan bear looks like, whose fur has fallen out.

22 photos that depict amazing things that actually exist

Chefchaouen is the Blue Pearl of Morocco. Most of the buildings here are painted in various shades of blue and light blue.

22 photos that depict amazing things that actually exist

"I make drawings with the help of old typewriters. All you see here are letters and numbers."

22 photos that depict amazing things that actually exist

A non-standard architectural solution. A cubic window is like a transition to a parallel world.

22 photos that depict amazing things that actually exist

This guy only has four fingers on his hand.

22 photos that depict amazing things that actually exist

Here's how the seal's nose prevents water from entering the lungs.

22 photos that depict amazing things that actually exist

This landscape looks like someone dropped a green quilt on the ground.

22 photos that depict amazing things that actually exist

Someone dropped the headphones on the beach, and they pulled all the metal particles out of the sand.

22 photos that depict amazing things that actually exist

Balu, Leo and Sherkhan were rescued in 2001 from the basement of a drug dealer. Since then, they have been inseparable friends.

22 photos that depict amazing things that actually exist

Meet Narnia, a rare two-faced cat.

Keywords: Photo collection | World | Positive | Selection | Interesting | Social networks

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