22 curious photos showing the inner world of different things

22 curious photos showing the inner world of different things

Categories: World

Sometimes it's so interesting to look at familiar things from an unusual angle. But it's even more interesting to look right inside them! It turns out that in the middle of some items lurk quite unusual and sometimes funny "secrets". Let's solve them.

22 curious photos showing the inner world of different things

22 curious photos showing the inner world of different things

This is how the Rubik's cube works.

22 curious photos showing the inner world of different things

And this is how a cedar cone looks in the section.

22 curious photos showing the inner world of different things

Quite a complex mechanism inside a simple lock.

22 curious photos showing the inner world of different things

A macro snapshot of the USB cable.

22 curious photos showing the inner world of different things

Another small orange has grown in the orange.

22 curious photos showing the inner world of different things

This is what the inside of an electric toothbrush looks like.

22 curious photos showing the inner world of different things

There is a whole world inside the poppy box!

22 curious photos showing the inner world of different things

The mechanism is a lock for jewelry.

22 curious photos showing the inner world of different things

"I accidentally broke a yard sculpture with frogs and found a pig playing guitar inside"

22 curious photos showing the inner world of different things

If you disassemble an expensive pregnancy test, you can see the most ordinary test in it.

22 curious photos showing the inner world of different things

Speaking of guitars. This is how they look at the very beginning of their "life path".

22 curious photos showing the inner world of different things

A ball with a bunch of other balls.

22 curious photos showing the inner world of different things

The impressive inner world of the piano.

22 curious photos showing the inner world of different things

So, it turns out, what big batteries are made of!

22 curious photos showing the inner world of different things

A pawn hidden inside the queen.

22 curious photos showing the inner world of different things

This is how your bank card works. Did you know about it?

22 curious photos showing the inner world of different things

Have you ever wondered how napkins are placed in a box? Here's the answer.

22 curious photos showing the inner world of different things

Even modern pipes after 40 years of operation will look like this.

22 curious photos showing the inner world of different things

Camera lens. A very expensive but curious experiment!

22 curious photos showing the inner world of different things

What an appetizing filling this golf ball has!

22 curious photos showing the inner world of different things

Quite unexpectedly, a photo of an unknown family appeared inside the knife!

22 curious photos showing the inner world of different things

Suddenly, a toothpaste package appeared in the phone caseā€¦

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