22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

Categories: Positive

In no other country in the world will you meet so many strange, curious, funny and ugly things and phenomena as in Russia. There are places that seem free of them, but do not relax – the amazing is nearby. And there are, on the contrary, zones of increased concentration of curiosities – most often they come across in the provinces. Get acquainted with the next selection of photos that could only be taken with us.

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

I want to believe that when happy faces are discovered, they will not end up on these strange government stands.

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

Is Paris a city of contrasts? Oh, come on! You just haven't been to Tyumen.

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

Adler is a place where even the sea king can not always afford a taxi. Even outside of the holiday season.

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

And also for the very patient.

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

There are still places from where the restless and pretentious 90s have not completely disappeared.

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

And show-offs are appreciated everywhere without exception, even in the regions washed by such puddles.

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

A portfolio that really works.

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

To read such a thing, it is not enough to know the Russian language – you need to be born in Russia.

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

And he said - "Let's go!" And immediately stalled.

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

Blue Bruce is very symbolic in this case.

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

An Internet-independent man is looking for a life partner.

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

Each wholesale base should have its own miracle of the world!

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

We also did not understand anything, so we refrained from buying.

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

And here everything is clear, so I also somehow don't want to.

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

For some, it still sounds proud.

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

In some places, this works more effectively than surveillance cameras.

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

This inscription gives a serious priority in heavy traffic.

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

Effective ecology in one photo.

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

Nothing is impossible – you just have to want and ... pay.

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

But you can't say it more precisely.

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

A puzzle that someone deserved.

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

The view from your window when you have the best roller-coaster neighbors in the world.

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

What do you know about the service?

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

To make a fuss, you first need to find a place where there is no such thing.

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

Sometimes you need to give a slap on the neck for patriotism.

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

Just a cute sign that makes you smile.

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

In another country, this could be a funny joke.

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

When just a foil cap does not save you anymore.

22 amazing photos that could only be taken in Russia

But the main thing is that we have not run out of good people.

Keywords: Russian Federation | Positive | Spirit | Oddities | Street photos | Curiosity | Russians

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