20 human body parts that are an example of bad design

20 human body parts that are an example of bad design

Categories: Health and Medicine | Science

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld once said that if the human body was a car, we would never buy it: maintenance is not worth it! This is especially true for some parts of the body, which, according to Reddit users, are a sample of poor design and let us down most often. So, here are the most popular answers to the question: "Which part of the human body is thought out the worst?".

20 human body parts that are an example of bad design

20 human body parts that are an example of bad design

"From an evolutionary point of view — the spine. It is literally not adapted to withstand the load of a body in an upright position. Monkeys don't just use their hands to move around in addition to their legs."

20 human body parts that are an example of bad design

"Sciatic nerve routing. Putting it through the piriformis muscle was a bad idea."

20 human body parts that are an example of bad design

"Teeth. One set for childhood, one for 60/70 years of life"

20 human body parts that are an example of bad design

"Ears. The eyes have eyelids, the mouth can be closed, but if a very loud sound is heard, the eardrum can only take a blow, and the damage can be irreparable."

20 human body parts that are an example of bad design

"Elbow. What the f**** does there even exist a nerve that is so unprotected that when you hit this place, it sends a discharge all over your arm?!"

20 human body parts that are an example of bad design

"Let's be honest, the appendix tries to kill us too often. Something is clearly wrong with him."

20 human body parts that are an example of bad design

"Knees. It's a good idea, but we had to refine it a little before the release."

20 human body parts that are an example of bad design

"I'd rather the testicles had better armor."

20 human body parts that are an example of bad design

"Achilles tendon. One vulnerable point without a bone shell that will cripple you if it is damaged"

20 human body parts that are an example of bad design

"Pointed stones that slowly push through the sensitive gums of tiny human individuals who are still too young to understand or explain why they cry all the time. And another minus for their design"

20 human body parts that are an example of bad design

"Ankles and knees. A woman can produce a whole new person in 9 months, but if you twist your ankle slightly— pay for it for the next 50 years."

20 human body parts that are an example of bad design

"The intestines. I should be able to decide for myself when to empty it completely! At one time, not a little now and then the rest!"

20 human body parts that are an example of bad design

"Bony ass! It really hurts to sit on it"

20 human body parts that are an example of bad design

"Male urethra. I don't know, damn, who decided it was a good idea to wrap the prostate around the urethra like a doughnut, and then make it grow so that you couldn't pee in old age, but someone clearly had a problem with quality control at this point."

20 human body parts that are an example of bad design

"The fact that air intake and fuel intake are the same system. Such an oversight just gets in the throat."

20 human body parts that are an example of bad design

"Sinuses. In all monkeys (and most other animals), the hole is located at the bottom. In humans, it is located on top. That's why we seem sick more often—our faces wait until the mucus fills the sinuses by 99% before starting to drain it."

20 human body parts that are an example of bad design

"The laryngeal nerve. It should connect the brain to the larynx. But instead of doing it directly, it goes down to our heart, wraps around the main artery, and then returns to where it started."

20 human body parts that are an example of bad design

"Who came up with the brilliant idea to put the clitoris outside the vagina?"

20 human body parts that are an example of bad design

"Probably the mouth, considering how often people grow up with bad teeth if they didn't get braces in childhood"

20 human body parts that are an example of bad design

"CHEST! Why should a woman carry this extra weight everywhere in case she might have a child in the future? What if she never has children? And why do we need different shapes and sizes?"

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