20 funny examples of when mother laziness won

20 funny examples of when mother laziness won

Categories: Positive

Excessive fuss never helps, but is there a limit to the opposite phenomenon? How far can a person go when he strives to remain calm and far from earthly problems?

20 funny examples of when mother laziness won

20 funny examples of when mother laziness won

An elegant solution to the problem of watermelon seeds.

20 funny examples of when mother laziness won

Do not touch it and it will not touch you — observe this sacred truth in your affairs!

How to walk the dogs and not step a step.

20 funny examples of when mother laziness won

And really, why take out a second bottle if you need it soon.

20 funny examples of when mother laziness won

This is how the "repair" of a hole in the upholstery of a chair looks like. Dad said that now no one will notice where the hole was.

20 funny examples of when mother laziness won

You probably haven't tried it that way, so you don't know if it's convenient yet.

20 funny examples of when mother laziness won

A great way to safely catch an uninvited bug or spider.

20 funny examples of when mother laziness won

There are many items from which to drink tea, so as not to wash dirty cups.

20 funny examples of when mother laziness won

It's pizza. It was two years ago, when it was accidentally left in the oven. Let's try it now!20 funny examples of when mother laziness won

A great achievement, worthy of being celebrated!

20 funny examples of when mother laziness won

But then you don't have to wash the dishes.

20 funny examples of when mother laziness won

At first, the pies were molded properly, and then the moldmaker got bored and dramatically optimized the process.

20 funny examples of when mother laziness won

The inhabitants of this hot country have clearly learned zen and the mastery of defeating the bureaucracy.

20 funny examples of when mother laziness won

When you are too lazy to wash the pan, other suitable household appliances come to the rescue.20 funny examples of when mother laziness won

They bought strawberry seedlings, but because of the bad weather, they never planted them. That did not prevent you from getting the crop right on the windowsill, doing nothing.

20 funny examples of when mother laziness won

"She just didn't want to move while Dad was mowing the lawn."

20 funny examples of when mother laziness won

Translation of the inscription on the dress " Example. Write your text here."

20 funny examples of when mother laziness won

You can't work lying down, they said…20 funny examples of when mother laziness won

When you are too lazy to cook in the microwave in two sets.

20 funny examples of when mother laziness won

If you have the wit and stick, any model of TV can be controlled remotely.

Keywords: Laziness | Compilation | Funny | Humor

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