20 colorful photos taken somewhere in Russia

20 colorful photos taken somewhere in Russia

Categories: Positive

Russia is a truly amazing country! She is the third part of the Eurasian continent, extends for several thousand miles and gladly takes under "my wing" of more than 200 nationalities.

However, in the entire world she became famous quite different, namely, its cold, the lawlessness on the roads, corruption, poverty and a strange mentality of the locals. At least that's dedicated to all the jokes of foreigners on Russian, but the images that we found on the Internet, once again confirmed: "in every joke there is a grain of... joke".

20 colorful photos taken somewhere in Russia

20 colorful photos taken somewhere in Russia

're going to cut and feed!

20 colorful photos taken somewhere in Russia

For the birds did not mind.

20 colorful photos taken somewhere in Russia

So that's how it's called creativity!20 colorful photos taken somewhere in Russia

Well, OK...

20 colorful photos taken somewhere in Russia

Black PR is a PR, too!

20 colorful photos taken somewhere in Russia

What and why I wanted to say this photo remains a mystery.

When the driver works fine fantasy.

20 colorful photos taken somewhere in Russia

It misses!

20 colorful photos taken somewhere in Russia

I just wanted to buy bread...

20 colorful photos taken somewhere in Russia

The section "Useful hints".20 colorful photos taken somewhere in Russia

Maxence refrigerators.

20 colorful photos taken somewhere in Russia

I wonder how much the city this repair cost?

20 colorful photos taken somewhere in Russia

Be sure to view!

20 colorful photos taken somewhere in Russia

Take it!20 colorful photos taken somewhere in Russia

A graduate of the circle "Skillful hands".

20 colorful photos taken somewhere in Russia

... and his friend.

20 colorful photos taken somewhere in Russia

Tattoo with Putin as one of the main symbols of patriotism.20 colorful photos taken somewhere in Russia

Now it is clear from problems with speed...

20 colorful photos taken somewhere in Russia


20 colorful photos taken somewhere in Russia

Believe me, this makes sense.

Keywords: Funny | Compilation | Russia | Russians | Photos | Pictures | Humor

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