20 Adorable Pet Adoption Pictures To Make Your Day A Little Brighter

20 Adorable Pet Adoption Pictures To Make Your Day A Little Brighter

Categories: Animals | Nature | People | Photo project | Tragedy

Adopting a pet fills a home with joy, laughter, and love, and this October was no exception—it brought together animals and people who were meant to be. So, we have collected a bunch of heartwarming photos to celebrate!

Whether depicting kittens curled up in warm blankets, pups discovering cozy sofas or other gentle souls finally feeling safe in their new families, each image captures a unique and wholesome story.

So as you scroll through, we hope they will remind you that there's still plenty of good in this world.


20 Adorable Pet Adoption Pictures To Make Your Day A Little Brighter

#1 I’ve Felt A Void In My Life Ever Since My Cat Passed So I Adopted The Saddest Cat At The Shelter

Ajamesmccarthy (OP):

After I shared Gregory’s sad eyes many of you asked me for an update - he’s happy now!

20 Adorable Pet Adoption Pictures To Make Your Day A Little Brighter

#2 Just Adopted This Mostly Blind Beauty From A Local Rescue And Had To Show Her Off. This Is Silverstone, My New Best Friend

To learn more on the topic, we contacted PAWS, or the Progressive Animal Welfare Society, a non-profit organization based in Lynnwood, Washington, dedicated to promoting animal welfare through various rescue, rehabilitation, and advocacy programs. Established in 1967, PAWS focuses on rescuing and caring for domestic animals as well as injured, orphaned, and sick wildlife.

According to them, one of the biggest misconceptions surrounding pet adoption is that it'll be easy to integrate a new animal into your home. "It takes work and patience for everyone to adjust and get to know each other," PAWS told Pictolic. "It usually takes at least a couple weeks for an animal to really settle into their new environment."

Another myth is that by getting an older pet you won't be able to form the same kind of bond as you would by young one. "It's simply not true and you can form amazing relationships!"

20 Adorable Pet Adoption Pictures To Make Your Day A Little Brighter

#3 Adopted This One Eared Kitten That Was Found Covered In Blood Along Side The Road After Having His Ear And Drum Ripped Out. Welcome Home Vincent (Van Gogh). We Call Him Vinnie Too

20 Adorable Pet Adoption Pictures To Make Your Day A Little Brighter

#4 My Mother Adopted An Adult Cat

20 Adorable Pet Adoption Pictures To Make Your Day A Little Brighter

#5 I Recently Adopted This Guy Off The Streets And He Is My Everything

A friend found this pup wandering the streets and nobody had claimed him from them so I took a leap and took him in. I’m not sure what breed he is other than some terrier mix with maybe some schnauzer. He turned out to be such a loving and fun dog with the best personality. He’s just happy to have a home and be along for the ride.

Around 6.3 million companion animals enter U.S. animal shelters every year. Of those, approximately 3.1 million are dogs and 3.2 million are cats.

Some estimate that the number has declined from approximately 7.2 million in 2011, with the biggest decrease being in dogs—from 3.9 million to 3.1 million.

20 Adorable Pet Adoption Pictures To Make Your Day A Little Brighter

#6 Adopting This Boy From The Shelter

I just want to share how this boy looks at me when he is next to me. His name is Titus, and I found him when I was volunteering to run dogs at a local shelter.
I decided to adopt him almost instantly.

20 Adorable Pet Adoption Pictures To Make Your Day A Little Brighter

#7 Adopted A 17 Year Old Cat Today Meet Moppie

20 Adorable Pet Adoption Pictures To Make Your Day A Little Brighter

#8 I Adopted My First Dog The Other Day. Meet Chip

They said he is 12, but I think he’s more than likely 8-9. His owner went into hospice, and she said he was 17. He is a total love bug, and I will cherish whatever time he gets to spend with us. He is a Cockalier, according to the rescue.

About 810,000 animals (710,000 dogs and 100,000 cats) who enter shelters as strays are returned to their owners each year.

Additionally, roughly 4.1 million are adopted.

"Adopting an animal means the agency you adopted from can then bring in and help another homeless animal, so by adopting one animal you are helping 2!" the staff at PAWS said. "It also just continues to support that agency so they can keep doing good work."

20 Adorable Pet Adoption Pictures To Make Your Day A Little Brighter

#9 Adopted An Abused Cat With Both Back Paws Missing

20 Adorable Pet Adoption Pictures To Make Your Day A Little Brighter

#10 The Cat I Adopted Has A Cleft Lip, So His Teefies Are Always On Show

20 Adorable Pet Adoption Pictures To Make Your Day A Little Brighter

#11 I Have Adopted A Kitten From An Animal Rescue. I Looking Forward To Get To Know This Little Kitten

20 Adorable Pet Adoption Pictures To Make Your Day A Little Brighter

#12 Adopted My First Cat Today

Getting a new pet is incredibly exciting, however, it's crucial to remember that it comes with responsibilities. Pets need time, attention, and financial support for their care, so it's essential to be prepared for the commitment and duties.

In a survey of 856 people who considered acquiring or did acquire a pet in the last 12 months; 70% of them got, or wanted to get, dogs and 30% picked cats.

20 Adorable Pet Adoption Pictures To Make Your Day A Little Brighter

#13 My New Adopted Bun, Muffin

I’m a wildlife rehabber and got a call from an animal control officer about this sweet baby being abandoned in an apartment. They didn’t want him anymore, and when they were evicted left him behind. His cage was tiny and dirty. His fur seemed like it never got pet or brushed, and was shedding so much. I couldn’t save him. Now he’s spoiled, with half of my apartment to roam while I work on bunny-proofing the rest. He loves his toys and food and loves getting attention. He boops our legs and puts his little head down to get pet. He’s the most lovey bunny I’ve ever met with the sweetest little face. And he’s huge!! I put the photo of how the officer found him in there too.

20 Adorable Pet Adoption Pictures To Make Your Day A Little Brighter

#14 Meet Opal, All 1.14 Lbs Of Her

We brought her home last night. I work at an animal shelter and will bring her back for alteration once she reaches 2 lbs. First kitten I’ve adopted in my 10 years of working there!

20 Adorable Pet Adoption Pictures To Make Your Day A Little Brighter

#15 Just Adopted My First Ever Orange Cat! She’s A Very Special Orange Girl - Haven’t Fully Settled On A Name Yet But I’m Leaning Towards Schnitzel

20 Adorable Pet Adoption Pictures To Make Your Day A Little Brighter

#16 So, I Was Adopted By This Feral Cat

The survey also showed that people still see animal welfare organizations as good places to find their next furry family member. That’s especially the case for dogs, with 39% of respondents noting they went to a shelter or rescue to adopt. Breeders made up 30%.

In the vast majority of those cases, people got their cat from a friend or family member (67%) or via a connection through a friend or family member (22%). Cats were far less frequently acquired from a breeder (7%).

20 Adorable Pet Adoption Pictures To Make Your Day A Little Brighter

#17 Just Adopted This Tiny Senior Lady!

Meet Palmerina, aka Pom-Pom! She’s a sweet, shy, and surprisingly spry 13-ish-year-old gal, and my very first cow cat!

I’m notoriously powerless in the face of senior cats in need, so I adopted her a couple of weeks ago with very little notice.

Her purrs vibrate my whole couch, and her scratchy little meow greetings sound like a retiree who’s smoked 3 packs of Virginia Slims per day for forty years, and, darn it, isn’t about to quit now. So, she’s strange, very petite, and perfect.

20 Adorable Pet Adoption Pictures To Make Your Day A Little Brighter

#18 Newest Foster Dog Needs A Name

Her rescue name was Corina, she was adopted 7 months ago (they named her Remi) and returned today. I was her previous foster and I took her back. I will likely adopt her as well. I want a funny name for her. She was brought to Miami Dade Animal Services, she has no eyes due to previous emergency surgeries.

20 Adorable Pet Adoption Pictures To Make Your Day A Little Brighter

#19 Meet Poppy

20 Adorable Pet Adoption Pictures To Make Your Day A Little Brighter

#20 Triple Foster Fail

However, if you too want to adopt an animal, be prepared to invest some time. While 71% of respondents who got a new cat said it took them less than a month, only 51% of people acquiring dogs did so in fewer than 30 days.

Keywords: Adorable pets | Adopting pets | Animals | Heartwarming photos | Photo collection | Emotions | Emotional pics

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