20 Adorable And Hilarious Animal Photos Drawn By This Artist
Categories: Animals | Art | Beauty | Design and Architecture | Photo project | Positive | Technology
By Vika https://pictolic.com/article/20-adorable-and-hilarious-animal-photos-drawn-by-this-artist.htmlAnimals are the ultimate muses for many artists, and Kelsey, the artist behind Art By Kay Rae, is no exception. She loves illustrating funny animal moments—especially cat photos found on the internet—and turning them into humorous drawings.
In an interview with Pictolic, Kelsey shared that creating art helps her cope with depression and anxiety. She wrote: “When I create, my brain shuts off many negative thoughts, so I can focus on what I'm creating. I especially love painting cats because they're such funny animals. The pictures I draw inspiration from make me smile and giggle, so I'm usually happy the entire time I'm creating. It's a positive way to spend an hour or two, especially when I want a little escape.”
So, without further ado, we invite you to take a moment and escape your thoughts even if it's just for a few seconds, and enjoy Kelsey’s delightful artwork.
More info: Instagram | Facebook
We wanted to know more about Kelsey’s background to which she replied: “I grew up and live in metro Detroit Michigan. Since I was a kid, I've loved to make and learn about art. I graduated with my BA in Art History from Grand Valley State University. My full-time job is in IT but I hope to become a full-time artist soon. I've been making art as an adult and had my art business Art By Kay Rae since 2019. When I'm not working or making art, I love playing cozy games, traveling, and spending time with my partner and our 3 dogs.”
When Kelsey wrote about her interest in the art world, she also shared more about the beginning of Art By Kay Rae.
“I started in watercolors but have moved to mostly digital art. I started sharing some of my silly creations in different Facebook groups and received such positive feedback that I ended up creating my own art business.”
As for the creative process, Kelsey wrote: “One of my favorite things to paint is cats, so I'm always on the lookout for inspiration. I have a folder of pictures on my phone that I use for inspiration. I also have a running list of fun ideas on my phone. When I get ready to create, I select some of my favorite recent pictures that I've saved or ideas that I've had as a kind of mood board. I throw on my headphones, play my favorite music, and start creating.
I usually make 2-3 paintings at a time since I have a 9-5 that limits when I can make art. The next day, I like to go back and look at what I've made and figure out if I need to make any tweaks. I find that taking some time to "distance" myself from my work and then looking at everything again helps make sure that I'm happy with it. Sometimes, I make something that I'm not super happy with but then I take another look at it a day or two later and really like it. If I'm turning my design into a sticker, I typically make a few test stickers before I share it on my social media.”
Kelsey also shared what she hopes for audiences to take away from her artwork.
She wrote: “I hope that my art makes people happy! It's my goal to make the world a better place with my art, so hearing that my work makes people smile makes my heart so full. Lately, the world has felt so chaotic, and while I can't fix that, I can provide a little corner of the internet that is filled with love, hope, wholesomeness, and happiness.”
Lastly, Kelsey added: “I'm a children's author and illustrator and have self-published several children's books (and writing another one right now!). I was also one of the winners of Michigan's “I Voted” sticker contest (a contest my state held last year to redesign the "I Voted" sticker that voters get when they vote at the polls). I love cats but don't have any right now, but I do have 3 dogs that are my whole world!”
Keywords: Adorable animals | Hilarious animals | Animal photos | Animal moments | Humorous drawings | Funny moments | Funny illustrations
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