19 Crazy Facts About Bill Gates' $123 Million Home

19 Crazy Facts About Bill Gates' $123 Million Home

Categories: Design and Architecture | North America | Technology

Bill Gates, one of the founders of Microsoft with a capital of almost $ 90 billion, is one of the richest people in the United States.

So it's not surprising that one of the richest people in the world lives in a difficult house. It took Gates 7 years and $ 63 million to build his Medina — estate called Xanadu 2.0. The house covers an area of more than 6 thousand square meters — it is simply huge and, of course, literally stuffed with all kinds of high-tech novelties.

19 Crazy Facts About Bill Gates' $123 Million Home

19 Crazy Facts About Bill Gates' $123 Million Home

More than 1,000 cubic meters of timber — 500-year-old California fir - were used for construction. More than 300 workers, including 100 electricians, worked on the house.

19 Crazy Facts About Bill Gates' $123 Million Home

To date, the value of the estate is 123 million dollars. Gates bought this lot in 1988 for $2 million. And the annual property tax is about $1 million.

19 Crazy Facts About Bill Gates' $123 Million Home

A high-tech sensor system helps the guests of the estate to monitor the temperature and lighting in the room. Guests are given a device with which they can control sensors throughout the house. Thanks to the speakers hidden under the wallpaper, music can accompany guests from room to room.

19 Crazy Facts About Bill Gates' $123 Million Home

To reduce heating costs, the house uses the surrounding nature. The Xanadu 2.0 Estate is built in such a way that the environment helps to effectively regulate the temperature.

19 Crazy Facts About Bill Gates' $123 Million Home

A work of art can be changed at the touch of a button. Computer displays worth 80 thousand dollars located throughout the house will show any picture or photo. Data is stored on devices with a total cost of 150 thousand dollars.

19 Crazy Facts About Bill Gates' $123 Million Home

The pool has its own underwater music system. The pool is located in a separate building with an area of 1200 square meters — a large brown house in the photo. You can swim under the glass wall and go out to the outside terrace. The cabin also has a changing room with four showers and two bathrooms.

19 Crazy Facts About Bill Gates' $123 Million Home

The house has a room with a trampoline and a 6-meter ceiling. True, it is not known how big the trampoline is, but, you must agree, it is much more pleasant and more fun than boring physical exercises. Speaking of exercises: the house also has a sports room with an area of 762 square meters with a sauna, steam room and separate changing rooms for men and women. (The photo is not a room with a trampoline in Bill Gates' house.)

19 Crazy Facts About Bill Gates' $123 Million Home

The reception hall of incredible size can accommodate up to 200 people. The 700-square-meter hall has 150 seats for a dinner party, about 200 standing seats for a cocktail party. One of the walls is occupied by a fireplace made of white stone, the other is a huge video screen 6.7 meters wide.

19 Crazy Facts About Bill Gates' $123 Million Home

There are only 24 bathrooms in the house, ten of which have full bathrooms.

19 Crazy Facts About Bill Gates' $123 Million Home

Bill Gates' estate has six kitchens. They are located in different parts of the house, so that, apparently, the staff is ready for absolutely any event.

19 Crazy Facts About Bill Gates' $123 Million Home

In a huge library there is a manuscript for which Bill Gates paid more than $ 30 million. The library has a domed roof and two secret cabinets, one of which houses a bar. On the ceiling is a quote from the novel "The Great Gatsby": "It was a long way that led him to these velvety lawns, and it probably seemed to him that now that his dream was so close, it was worth stretching out his hand and he would catch it."

The library also houses a manuscript by Leonardo da Vinci. Vinci — The Leicester Codex, written in the XVI century. Bill Gates purchased the manuscript in 1994 for $30.8 million.

19 Crazy Facts About Bill Gates' $123 Million Home

The home cinema with comfortable plush seats can accommodate up to 20 people. (The photo is not Gates' home theater.)

19 Crazy Facts About Bill Gates' $123 Million Home

The house, which previously stood on the territory of the future estate, had to be moved on a barge to make room for a multifunctional mansion. Pictured: A sea barge with three houses in the Strait of Georgia near Richmond, British Columbia, August 1, 2012.

19 Crazy Facts About Bill Gates' $123 Million Home

The guest house is equipped with the same high-tech gadgets as the main house. Moreover, it was built before the main one to test the technology.

19 Crazy Facts About Bill Gates' $123 Million Home

In total, 23 cars can be placed in the garages of the mansion. Garages are located in different parts of the estate. One of them is an underground cave made of concrete and stainless steel.

19 Crazy Facts About Bill Gates' $123 Million Home

Bill Gates has a favorite tree. He is monitored 24 hours a day. It is said that Gates became very attached to a 40-year-old maple tree that grows near the road near the house. The tree is monitored with the help of computers. If he does not have enough water, watering is automatically turned on.

19 Crazy Facts About Bill Gates' $123 Million Home

On the estate there is an artificial stream where fish swim. An artificial stream and pond were created in order to solve problems with drains. Salmon and sea trout live in the water. (The artificial stream in the photo does not belong to Gates.)

19 Crazy Facts About Bill Gates' $123 Million Home

Every year, sand is delivered to the beach from the Caribbean Islands — from Saint Lucia. Pictured: the airport in Castries, the capital of Saint Lucia.

19 Crazy Facts About Bill Gates' $123 Million Home

Microsoft holds an annual auction where employees exhibit their products and services. The proceeds go to the company's charitable foundation. Gates once auctioned a guest tour in Xanadu 2.0. According to the Puget Sound Business Journal, one of the Microsoft employees bought the tour for $35,000.

Keywords: Microsoft | Bill gates | Wealth | Rich | House | Estate | Luxury

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