18 ways to become a real traveler, not a banal tourist

18 ways to become a real traveler, not a banal tourist

Categories: Travel

Each of us has his own idea of vacations, but almost always it comes down to one of the most exciting activities — traveling. Traveling is definitely worth it, but it's better to do it correctly and wisely. Why turn into a lazy tourist who walks along the beach, gaping and occasionally clicking the shutter of the camera hanging at the navel? Enjoy every minute of the journey! Live life to the fullest! Become a true traveler, not a banal tourist! And these simple tips will help you in this.

18 ways to become a real traveler, not a banal tourist

18 ways to become a real traveler, not a banal tourist

This needs to be realized as soon as possible. You can go to Disneyland, or you can go to Rome — and there, and there you will find people. But you need to understand the difference between an amusement park and a foreign country. And the difference is considerable: foreigners are also people, and the most interesting "attractions" are always known only to those who are ready to search, learn and understand.

18 ways to become a real traveler, not a banal tourist

No, you don't need to memorize a guidebook or a page from Wikipedia, but it's always nice to know where you're going. Where do locals like to spend their free time? What is the culture here? Are tips welcome or is it possible to insult a local employee by giving a tip? Of course, it's impossible to be fully prepared for everything, but both sides will make the most of it if you keep awkward moments with local people to a minimum.

18 ways to become a real traveler, not a banal tourist

Even if you go a little deeper into reading materials about the country where you are going, you will learn a lot, and some things may surprise you, to put it mildly. Perhaps you never knew that, despite the fact that you are going to a hot desert, it is not customary to wear shorts and short skirts there. Perhaps in the country where you are going, eating with your left hand is considered uncultured, and adding seasonings at a table at a party is simply indecent. Remember that you are a guest in this country, which means you need to be prepared for some cultural inconsistencies (no matter how strange they may seem to you). This will definitely set you apart from the rest of the "tourists".

18 ways to become a real traveler, not a banal tourist

It is very important. It's also a great way to show others that you respect them. In some countries it is believed that taking a picture means losing a piece of your soul, in others locals take pictures hoping to get a tip for it. And if this street performer in bright clothes riding an exotic animal refuses to be photographed, respect his desire.

18 ways to become a real traveler, not a banal tourist

Even if you have to strain your brains. Firstly, there is nothing more embarrassing than a situation when you cannot explain to a person what you need, especially if he is ready to help, but simply does not speak your language. Secondly, locals almost always appreciate the efforts of foreigners to speak their language. Even knowing simple phrases like "hello", "please" and "thank you" will show that you are a person capable of respecting someone else's culture.

18 ways to become a real traveler, not a banal tourist

Seriously, the best thing you can find abroad is friends. You will remember "that very time..." much longer than some ridiculous souvenir that will break on the way home. In addition, you will be able to learn a lot about other countries and cultures by contacting someone who lives here (and even better — if they can show you places that you will not learn about from guidebooks).

18 ways to become a real traveler, not a banal tourist

A good guide will take you to places where there is no pretentious and pretentious glamour, so that you can buy souvenirs made by local people. Firstly, these are unique products. Secondly, by buying them, you help artisans and the towns in which they live. If you look at the statistics on how tourism stimulates the economy, you will see that villages and small towns depend on your money much more than a souvenir kiosk on the main square.

18 ways to become a real traveler, not a banal tourist

Nothing will give you more knowledge than time spent at home in a foreign country with a foreign culture. There is something unique about homemade food, no matter what country we are talking about. Again, you support local families, you look into the real life of the country and, perhaps, make new friends.

18 ways to become a real traveler, not a banal tourist

It's not worth flying halfway around the world to eat a burger from McDonald's in that distant exotic country and drink it with coffee from Starbucks. There is no need to be afraid of local restaurants or street food stalls. After all, the locals eat in them, so what are you worse for? If you want to truly "taste" the country you have come to, try local dishes.

18 ways to become a real traveler, not a banal tourist

One of the main differences between a traveler and a tourist is the goal. Tourists mostly stupidly collect photos of the main attractions, although no one knows that at the same time you passed by the Louvre just 10 minutes on the way to the Eiffel Tower. If you try to do everything in time, then in the end you will not have time for anything. Slow down, stop and take a deep breath — that's what will really allow you to see everything as it is.

Traveling can be stressful, especially in the confusion, when you do not have time to catch the bus, get lost in an unknown place or, for example, lose your wallet. Stop! Stop and take a deep breath — after all, this is just part of an unforgettable adventure.

18 ways to become a real traveler, not a banal tourist

In your free time from the scheduled excursions, do whatever seems right to you at the moment, and do not be afraid to change your mind if you think that a walk there is better than a hike there. Enjoy the freedom to do what you want and see what you want. Your time is limited, but instead of trying to cram everything you can into it, just give yourself up to chance and go with the flow.

18 ways to become a real traveler, not a banal tourist

No, seriously, get lost. Then take a deep breath and remind yourself that everything is fine. Then give yourself the opportunity to get to know the place for real, and not looking at the map. Wander through the streets, dive into alleys, ask for directions and explore this city for the first time (which, in fact, is truly so).

18 ways to become a real traveler, not a banal tourist

Of course, it is convenient to be with a group of tourists, especially since the guides always know the most interesting places and are ready to smooth out any cultural shock. But by exploring the place yourself, you will be able to visit the same places for less money. In addition, it is not necessary to wait until the rest of the crowd stops staring at the sculpture that you are not interested in, or, conversely, you will be able to admire the attraction you like as much as you like, without fear that an impatient guide will start to urge you on.

18 ways to become a real traveler, not a banal tourist

And it's not just about the paths not trodden by tour groups, but also about the roads not trodden by anyone at all. Surely you know special interesting places in your hometown that few people know about? So, in other cities there are exactly the same places. Maybe it's time to find out about them?

18 ways to become a real traveler, not a banal tourist

Take a walk through the streets, climb the mountains, splash in the waves of the ocean. Visit the park, watch the people and just soak up new impressions. This trip probably cost you a lot, so it's time to enjoy what this country offers, in full and already for free.

18 ways to become a real traveler, not a banal tourist

If in doubt, do as the locals do. And all local residents (no matter what country they are talking about) use public transport. It's much cheaper, and you'll probably meet a bunch of interesting people and get to know the places much better.

18 ways to become a real traveler, not a banal tourist

It's been an eternity since your last vacation, and you just want to leave. Thoughts of palm trees and crystal clear water are already filling your head, and you can practically feel the sun on your skin and warm white sand between your fingers. And no one for miles around, except you and your favorite book. Well, the first thing you type into Google is something like "vacation in the Canaries", as hundreds of thousands of other similar tourists do every day. There is nothing wrong with going to the Canary Islands, and you will surely find the very place you dreamed of... but they will have to share with a hundred or two tourists. The faster the vacation image comes to your mind, the more likely it is that you are not the only one. Perhaps to create your perfect vacation, you need to dig a little into the details. Fortunately, there are millions of other equally beautiful and amazing islands around the world where no one will bother you.

18 ways to become a real traveler, not a banal tourist

It doesn't matter who you are — an advanced traveler, a simple—minded tourist, a true "Magellan" or something in between, the most important thing is just travel. We live on an amazing planet full of wonders that a lifetime will not be enough for. But it's worth at least trying to see them. As much as possible. As often as possible.

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