17 things a true Star Wars fan should know

17 things a true Star Wars fan should know

Categories: Cinema

Today we're going to tell you some amazing facts about Star Wars that even the most die-hard fans of this saga will probably hear for the first time. So, may the facts be with you!

(Total 16 photos)

17 things a true Star Wars fan should know Source: appy.gy

17 things a true Star Wars fan should know

1. What do R2-D2 and the Energizer Bunny have in common?

Grant Imahara, a robotic engineer and co-host of The MythBusters, created R2-D2 for the first and second episodes of Star Wars and the Energizer rabbit for the commercial.

17 things a true Star Wars fan should know

2. Bravo Sir Alec

Alec Guinness, the actor who played Obi-Wan Kenobi, didn't have a very high opinion of Star Wars. He even called the film "fabulous bullshit". Nevertheless, Mr. Guinness was one of the few participants in the filming who believed that the film would be a hit, and negotiated for himself 2% of the royalties received by George Lucas. Thus he became a very rich man.

17 things a true Star Wars fan should know

3. Fu-fu-fu, isn't this sexism?

Carrie Fisher didn't wear underwear in Star Wars. George Lucas convinced her that "underwear is not worn in space."

4. About unobtrusiveness

Carrie Fisher made George Lucas give her a copy of Star Wars. Festive Edition. Now she plays the movie at the end of parties, when she is already tired and wants everyone to leave.

This creation is little known to our viewers, so let’s explain: The Holiday Special was filmed with the financial support of General Motors in 1978, when Episode IV had just come out and no one knew yet whether Star Wars would become a hit or not. The plot tells how Chewbacca tries to return home to celebrate a national holiday with his family. The family at this time watches various TV shows, musicals and suffers harassment from the Imperials (and it is not known which is worse). At the end of the film, Carrie Fisher sings.

In general, the space opera turned into a drama. George Lucas, seeking to wash away the shameful stain from his reputation, repeatedly attempted to buy and destroy all available copies of the special issue, so Fisher's request was a separate test for him.

If you're still not completely clear on why Fisher's method of getting rid of guests works flawlessly, just check out the special masterpiece for yourself.

17 things a true Star Wars fan should know

5. Smart

While filming the episode "The Empire Strikes Back", the actor who played Darth Vader was told to say "Obi-Wan killed your father" instead of "I am your father" so that even the actors would not know how it would end.

17 things a true Star Wars fan should know

6. Damn brave

While working on the fourth episode of Star Wars, George Lucas paid a fine and resigned from the Directors Guild in order to circumvent the Guild's requirement for standard credits. The subtitle "Episode IV: A New Hope" did not appear until 1981, four years after the film's release. Yes, these are two facts in one.

17 things a true Star Wars fan should know

7. Oh Yuen <3

During the filming of the action scenes in The Phantom Menace, Ewan McGregor constantly imitated the sound of laser swords cutting through the air. George Lucas explained to the actor many times that the special effects specialists would then add the sound. Yuen replied: "Sorry, got carried away again."

17 things a true Star Wars fan should know

8. Comes in handy when the word "shotgun" sounds too boring

In the Star Wars universe, there are conventional firearms. It's called a slugthrower. These weapons are favored by bounty hunters for their superiority over blasters.

17 things a true Star Wars fan should know

9. Topher, do me a montage

Topher Grace, star of That '70s Show, edited the first three episodes into one film that fans of the saga have recognized as better than the original.

17 things a true Star Wars fan should know

10. Successful bet

George Lucas was confident that Close Encounters of the Third Kind would do more than Star Wars at the box office, so he offered Close Encounters director Steven Spielberg an exchange of 2.5% of the box office profits. Spielberg gets his 2.5% to this day (watch him smile).

17 things a true Star Wars fan should know

11. Fox definitely regrets it

Fox gave all rights to the original trilogy merchandise to George Lucas in order to keep his salary low, as managers didn't expect Star Wars to become such a big deal.

17 things a true Star Wars fan should know

12. Star Wars can change a person's life

After watching Star Wars in 1977, James Cameron gave up his career as a truck driver and took over the film industry. Conquered: "Terminator", "Alien", "Terminator 2", "Titanic", "Avatar".

17 things a true Star Wars fan should know

13. "Synchronous" cameo

George Lucas let the members of 'N Sync make cameo appearances in Attack of the Clones to please his daughters. The episode was cut from the final version of the film.

17 things a true Star Wars fan should know

14. What's in a name

George Lucas proved himself to be a fan of the "speaking names" literary device. Vader means "father" in Dutch. The name Yoda is translated from Sanskrit as "fighter".

17 things a true Star Wars fan should know

15. And it's true

In the Brazilian version of Star Wars, Count Dooku's name had to be changed to "Dukan" because in Portuguese, the word dooku means "from the ass" or even "I give it to the ass."

17 things a true Star Wars fan should know

16. In what order should I watch all the episodes at once?

Alright Machete, supposedly the best for watching the saga. The intrigue begins in episodes IV and V, then there are prequels as flashbacks (except for episode I, which can be skipped), and episode VI ties the story together. The order was suggested by Rod Hilton on his blog. Rod is a developer, programming in Ruby and Java, so it’s hard to blame him for the lack of logic.

17 things a true Star Wars fan should know

17. Altruist smuggler

Burt Reynolds, Al Pacino, Christopher Walken and Jack Nicholson auditioned for the role of Han Solo, but Harrison Ford ended up playing the charismatic smuggler. For filming A New Hope, he received only $10,000. Solo was originally conceived as a swamp from the planet Dagoba, so this whole parade of stars might not have taken place.

Keywords: Star wars facts

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