16 Pictures That Only Very Short or Very Tall People Will Be Able To Relate To
Categories: People | Photo project | Positive | Society | World
By Vika https://pictolic.com/article/16-pictures-that-only-very-short-or-very-tall-people-will-be-able-to-relate-to.htmlIf you’ve ever felt concerned about your height, don’t worry, you’re not alone. There are many people out there like us, wondering what it would be like to be a few inches taller or shorter. Still, chances are you are average-sized but have you considered what it’s like to be so tall you can’t fit in the bathroom? Or so short you can’t reach the ATM? Well, Reddit users helped us find out a bit more about what life looks like for people who are either very tall or very short. There are pros and cons, but one thing is for sure: all the users that uploaded their pics to Reddit have a great sense of humor and self-acceptance!
At Pictolic we love sharing the diversity of the human body with our readers, especially when it can make others smile. So today we’re proud to present a compilation of pictures that will show you what the pros and cons of being short and tall are. We’re sure you’ll find some situations pretty funny!
1. “Pro of being 5 ft tall— limitless costume ideas! The kids at work love when I dress up. "
2. “The dangers of parking garages”
3. "Me (5'3") and my date (5'10 ") to semi-formal from last night!"
4. "My wife and I have a painting system worked out - she goes low, I go high."
5. “Visited the Met and was so excited to see a suit of armor that would have fit me perfectly!”
6. "Not needing a ladder to put up Christmas lights is pretty awesome."
7. “I bought a witchy skirt, but I’m short ... So, now it’s a dress!”
8. “I’m 6’2 and a half, so this is what I see in most mirrors.”
9. “Visiting my dad’s girlfriend’s family. They’re a family of tall people. ”
10. "New apartment ... I present to you my mini-fridge."
11. “My girlfriend trying to use the ATM in Croatia”
12. "A mall in Amman Jordan."
13. "The seat on the train nobody else likes."
14. “Hi, this is me turning the fan on because my waiter couldn’t reach the switch.”
15. "Short people perks: fitting into the fun clothes from the kids' section."
16. “This bathroom in my dad’s new house. I'm 6'1 ". The room is so short they had to cut holes in the ceiling over the toilet and sink so you can stand up. "
Keywords: Pictures | Tall | Small | People | Society | Body | Advantages
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