15-year-old masterfully recreates famous Hollywood blockbuster scenes from Lego

15-year-old masterfully recreates famous Hollywood blockbuster scenes from Lego

Categories: World

As they say, Lego is not so scary as it hurts to step on it. Morgan Spence, a 15-year-old aspiring director from Scotland, spent three weeks recreating scenes from some of Hollywood's most famous blockbusters in Lego figures. From these scenes, he compiled a short film in which you can see small segments from such famous films as Life of Pi, Pulp Fiction, Dirty Dancing, etc.

(Total 14 photos)

15-year-old masterfully recreates famous Hollywood blockbuster scenes from Lego

15-year-old masterfully recreates famous Hollywood blockbuster scenes from Lego

1. "Life of Pi"

15-year-old masterfully recreates famous Hollywood blockbuster scenes from Lego

2. "Titanic"

15-year-old masterfully recreates famous Hollywood blockbuster scenes from Lego

3. The Wizard of Oz

15-year-old masterfully recreates famous Hollywood blockbuster scenes from Lego

4. "Shine"

15-year-old masterfully recreates famous Hollywood blockbuster scenes from Lego

5. "Breakfast at Tiffany's"

15-year-old masterfully recreates famous Hollywood blockbuster scenes from Lego

6. "The Sound of Music"

15-year-old masterfully recreates famous Hollywood blockbuster scenes from Lego

7. "Alien"

15-year-old masterfully recreates famous Hollywood blockbuster scenes from Lego

8. Pulp Fiction

15-year-old masterfully recreates famous Hollywood blockbuster scenes from Lego

9. Dirty Dancing

15-year-old masterfully recreates famous Hollywood blockbuster scenes from Lego

10. "Singing in the rain"

15-year-old masterfully recreates famous Hollywood blockbuster scenes from Lego

11. Wayne's World

15-year-old masterfully recreates famous Hollywood blockbuster scenes from Lego

12. Dr. No

15-year-old masterfully recreates famous Hollywood blockbuster scenes from Lego

13. "Laurel and Hardy"

15-year-old masterfully recreates famous Hollywood blockbuster scenes from Lego

14. 15-year-old Morgan Spence with some of his Lego creations

Keywords: Lego | Blockbuster | Hollywood | Constructor | Teenagers

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