15 vivid examples of social advertising against prostitution

15 vivid examples of social advertising against prostitution

Categories: Society

Phenomena such as prostitution, human trafficking and drug addiction have accompanied humanity since its formation. As hundreds of years ago, almost every country has a sex services industry, most of which is related to crime. Forced sex for money, human trafficking, child prostitution, sexual slavery — these are the problems that cannot be ignored.

15 vivid examples of social advertising against prostitutionIn this issue, you will find 15 prints of social advertising created by major advertising agencies. Their goal is to draw public attention to these problems, not to leave any of us indifferent.

15 vivid examples of social advertising against prostitution

1. This is not the office she dreamed of.

15 vivid examples of social advertising against prostitution

2. Some people are very much "attached" to their work. Human trafficking — don't ignore this problem!

15 vivid examples of social advertising against prostitution

3. Help her feel human again.

15 vivid examples of social advertising against prostitution

4. Thousands of women are being held in Israel in prostitution against their will. DON'T be an accomplice.

15 vivid examples of social advertising against prostitution

5. Prostitution is for idiots. When children are thrown out on the street, they do not stop learning. Help the program for leaving children at school.

15 vivid examples of social advertising against prostitution

6. The slogan calls for thinking about what various forms of addiction can lead to and how this will affect future offspring.

15 vivid examples of social advertising against prostitution

7. Help a woman to avoid forced prostitution.

15 vivid examples of social advertising against prostitution

8. By buying a prostitute, you are financing human trafficking.

15 vivid examples of social advertising against prostitution

9. "15 bucks for sex is not normal, but under methamphetamine it is quite"

15 vivid examples of social advertising against prostitution

10. Advertising about forced sexual slavery. The slogan is "Free her."

15 vivid examples of social advertising against prostitution

11. When you slept with her. When you got out of prison.

The new law prohibits residents of Singapore from using the services of underage prostitutes abroad. Having paid for sex with a minor, you will be prosecuted when you return to Singapore

15 vivid examples of social advertising against prostitution

12. Slogan: 500,000 girls are sold annually to work in the sex industry. Slavery must be abolished... again.

15 vivid examples of social advertising against prostitution

13. — How much? -7 years old.

Sex with minors threatens seven years in prison.

15 vivid examples of social advertising against prostitution

14. Ukrainian variation: "This may be your price for agreeing to work illegally abroad."

15 vivid examples of social advertising against prostitution

15. Children who find themselves on the street will very soon get into a new "family".

Keywords: Prostitution | Social advertising

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