15 of the most beautiful small balcony

15 of the most beautiful small balcony

Categories: Design and Architecture

Even a small balcony provides plenty of opportunities to live a life of luxury in your own apartment — should only get there with your morning coffee or spend an evening watching the stars.

15 of the most beautiful small balcony

15 of the most beautiful small balcony

Main — view

15 of the most beautiful small balcony

The size will not matter if you have the opportunity to admire the mountains, eating Breakfast with view of the Eiffel tower or in the evening to enjoy the bright lights of the metropolis.

15 of the most beautiful small balcony

Even a very small balcony looks much more interesting with living plants and flowers. The effect can be enhanced if, as here, on the table lay a green tablecloth.

15 of the most beautiful small balcony

Even if there was not the Eiffel tower and the balcony would be located in a residential area of a small town, the decoration of the balcony, still attracted the least attention to it. Here the design is based on the use of the red: red marquee, red upholstered chairs, red flowers.


15 of the most beautiful small balcony

Sunny days — it's time to create a balcony garden or a kitchen garden with herbs.

15 of the most beautiful small balcony

If space allows, try to arrange the balcony, a mini-greenhouse. During the ripening of tomatoes you still thanks for the advice says.

15 of the most beautiful small balcony

The guiding light

15 of the most beautiful small balcony

In the evening light candles or lights garlands will transform your balcony into the most romantic place in the world. Why not decorate it, for example, paper lanterns?

15 of the most beautiful small balcony

Here to the General entourage added and slate, take note!

15 of the most beautiful small balcony

Yes, garlands does not have to be expensive. You can use something as simple and budget. It can even help create the right atmosphere.

Bright colors

15 of the most beautiful small balcony

If you use the bright colors too tedious for sleeping and living areas, a balcony will be seen from afar, the festive mood will not leave you even the rainy summer.

15 of the most beautiful small balcony

Mat and pillows — that is so rarely used on the balcony. And what can its so beautiful to transform.

15 of the most beautiful small balcony

Turquoise — this year's favorite. Incidentally, IKEA, there are many of the brightest objects in that color. Including chairs, and even a small ladder of the two steps that can be used as a table.

Dream about privacy

15 of the most beautiful small balcony

In a bustling city you can create on the balcony solely your space, closed from prying eyes a place to rest, reading, and observation of the world.

15 of the most beautiful small balcony

Wherever you put a book shelf — it is everywhere creates a feeling of comfort and warmth.

15 of the most beautiful small balcony

Brilliant solution whole balcony to transform into a large sunbed. Relaxation is assured.

Keywords: Design and architecture | Paradise apartment | Balcony

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