15 most beautiful places in Japan

15 most beautiful places in Japan

Categories: Nature | Photo project | World

If you've ever visited Japan, you probably already know how this amazing country. And for those who are just planning to visit the country of the rising sun, you'll enjoy this – they are waiting for a lot of unforgettable impressions. In our today's collection you will find the most interesting and beautiful places in Japan.

Some of them are popular attractions, while others are away from the tourist trail, but each is a unique gem of this country.

15 most beautiful places in Japan

Bamboo forest Sagano moves like tourists in a completely different reality.

15 most beautiful places in Japan

Besides being tall bamboo stalks themselves look impressive when the wind picks up, they are still sound "sing", as the locals say.

Hitachi Park is located in the northeastern part of the Prefecture of Tokyo, but the island of Honshu.

15 most beautiful places in Japan

The most ideal time to visit the Park, Hitachi is September, when the bloom 4.5 million nanofil (American forget-me-nots) that turns the surface of the earth in an amazing blue blanket of flowers.

Japanese garden, Kawachi Fuji is located in the Northern part of the island of Kyushu near Fukuoka.

15 most beautiful places in Japan

To visit this place is best in late April, at this time, the garden reaches the bright and lush flowering.

Shibazakura is a rare moss green-white-purple color, which grows in the realm of the five lakes of Fuji.

15 most beautiful places in Japan

Every year, from April to June in honor of this extraordinary phenomenon is the Fuji Shibazakura festival.

The city of Kawagoe is famous for its beautiful rivers, floating on that, you can feel the atmosphere of ancient Japan, which has been preserved here.

15 most beautiful places in Japan

It Kawagoe in the seventeenth century was a fortress, and the official residence of the chief segoshi protection.

One of the main Shinto shrines in Kyoto.

15 most beautiful places in Japan

The main attraction here is the thousands of red gates funeral, which stand on both sides of the road, the length of which is more than 4 km away.

The old by-pass trail leading from Kyoto to Edo, which was important for trade in the seventeenth century.

15 most beautiful places in Japan

The trail passes through some very scenic countryside.

Buddhist temple, founded in the year 717 wandering monk.

15 most beautiful places in Japan

Especially beautiful this building looks in the winter, on the background of snow.

Three-story building, designed in traditional Japanese style, which is perfectly combined with the breathtaking scenery.

15 most beautiful places in Japan

Near the pagoda is the highest waterfall in Japan and its height is as high as 133 meters.

During this festival make 20 thousand lamps made of bamboo, which burn for three nights.

15 most beautiful places in Japan

Festival bamboo lamps Takete begins on the third Friday of November.

15 most beautiful places in Japan

Delicious blue pond, located at the foot of mount Tokachi, Hokkaido, owes its color of the natural minerals.

15 most beautiful places in Japan

Spring festival of cherry blossom in Japan lasts about two weeks, turning the modern capital of the country in the fragrant garden.

Pagoda Kurata – Japanese anti-war memorial, created in 1963. The pagoda is located on a hill and to get to it, will have to overcome as much as 400 steps.

15 most beautiful places in Japan

However, the architectural beauty of the pagoda and great views of mount Fuji is worth all the effort.

15 most beautiful places in Japan

Very unusual and beautiful island of volcanic origin in the center of which is an active volcano.

Surprisingly beautiful tea plantation, located in Shizuoka Prefecture.

15 most beautiful places in Japan

Here you can enjoy a Cup of green tea, imported to Japan from China more than 1,300 years ago and admire the beautiful natural scenery.

Keywords: Nature | Japan | Pictures | The world | Scenery | Photo | Beautiful places in the world

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