15 interesting but scary facts about death that will surprise you
Categories: Health and Medicine | Science | World
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/15-interesting-but-scary-facts-about-death-that-will-surprise-you.htmlUndeniable truth of life is that every person that came into this world, sooner or later die; it is inevitable. Death is both depressing and mysterious. Is that at the end of life's journey awaits each of us. Sometimes people use different ways to avoid death, but no one can change this rule.
In the world there are many facts connected with the death that surprise and shock. Today we will tell you about some of these scary facts about death that you will really be surprised. We have compiled a list of 15 weird, scary and the most shocking facts about death.
Every year in the world dies of one of the 113 people. Below are based on the statistics data on mortality among people living in the world.
The whole world knows that the shark is the most dangerous of the deadly fish.
However, many are surprised to learn that in a year from shark attacks killed about 12 people, while people kill about 11 417 sharks every hour.
Jellyfish Turritopsis Dohrnii are officially the only immortal beings on planet Earth. They live forever.
In men who die from hanging, there is a post-mortem erection, known as rigor erectus.
A post-mortem erection, technically a priapism, usually observed in the corpses of men who were executed by hanging.
In America, the terrible handwriting of doctors each year kills more than 7,000 patients. It is a shocking statistic.
Moreover, because of errors that are allowed in the recipes related to preventive treatment, each year more than 1.5 million Americans. Most of these errors are presented clearly written with abbreviations and dosage. It is worth noting that each year in the United States issued 3.2 billion prescriptions.
Parsa, ethnic group, followers of Zoroastrianism in India don't bury their dead in the ground and feed them to the vultures.
You will be surprised to learn that, compared to right-handers, lefties live on average three years less.
The highest mountain in the world — the Everest; every year millions of people come to the Himalayas to enjoy the beauty or to overcome this mountain peak.
However, you should know that according to statistics, the highest point of Land is more than 200 bodies.
The most dangerous and destructive war in human history known as the Second world war. She ruined the lives of millions of people.
But you will be amazed to learn that 80 percent of all males born in the Soviet Union in 1923, and died fighting on the fronts of the Second world war.
Most do not know how many people commit suicide due to the fact that they are unable to cope with the accumulated problems in his life.
Suicides occur worldwide, however you will be surprised to know that the "city of suicides" is new York. Here suicide happen more frequently than anywhere else in the world.
Dowry is a social evil and a curse, however, traditions associated with it, is deeply rooted in the minds of people, especially in India.
You will be surprised to learn that every hour in India, killing one woman in the course of crimes related to dowry.
A lot of people in the world die in road accidents or natural disasters.
However, did you know that every hour there is one death for drivers who are operating a vehicle while intoxicated?
Motherhood is the most beautiful thing in the world. Statistics, however, overshadows her.
According to medical reports every fifteen minutes, one woman dies (during pregnancy or childbirth) because of the lack of proper treatment and good conditions.
Even today, the level of poverty and hunger in the world remains very high.
Almost 70 percent of the world population are below the poverty line, but even more tragic is the fact that about 20 thousand children die every day because of hunger and poverty.
It's true: in the world every 40 seconds one person dies.
Keywords: Interestingly | Death | Scary facts
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