15 inconceivably gigantic animals that actually exist

15 inconceivably gigantic animals that actually exist

Categories: Animals

People tend to experience inexplicable delight at the sight of all huge. Animals are no exception: elephants, whales, and other giants of the world fauna attract our attention and captivate. But the speech will go not about them but about the most prominent representatives of the world of animals belonging to species not normally associated with very impressive dimensions. So outstanding that in the real existence of some of them on our planet, it is hard to believe.

15 inconceivably gigantic animals that actually exist

15 inconceivably gigantic animals that actually exist

1. Tarantula Goliath. What do we know about spiders? It's small, sometimes poisonous creature with 8 legs spiders spinning webs. They eat flies, and they, in turn, eat lizards and birds. But not always... Before you tarantula Goliath (Theraphosa blond or blonde) — the largest spider in the world. He lives in the Amazon jungle and hunt for frogs, toads, lizards, mice and even small snakes. Can weigh 175 grams with the scope of limbs up to 28 cm. And that of birds, despite its name, not eating.

15 inconceivably gigantic animals that actually exist

2. Zeus — tallest dog in the world, according to the Guinness Book of records 2013. If Zeus was up on his hind legs, his height was more than 2 meters. The owners of the dog called him a gentle giant and said that they are often asked whether they are sure that it is a dog, not a horse. Zeus was certified dog therapist and loved to sit with his "patients" on my knees, to make them smile. However, due to the weight of 70 kg these sometimes smile turned into a grimace. Unfortunately, Zeus is no longer with us, he did not live only 3 days before his sixth anniversary.

15 inconceivably gigantic animals that actually exist

3. Giant African snail. It is easy to assume that the giant African snail has to be big. No wonder it's called the giant. But that is so?.. This mass of flesh the size of a palm lives not only in Africa, and differing sickly appetite and high speed of reproduction, is a serious threat to agriculture.

15 inconceivably gigantic animals that actually exist

4. Darius, the biggest rabbit in the world. This, I may say, Bunny weighs 22.5 kg and exceeds 130 inches in length. He, incidentally, has a son named Jeff, who is still growing, but already catching up to the size of a dad. The contents of this couple manages their kind hostess, 63-year-old Annette Edwards, in £ 5,000 a year.

15 inconceivably gigantic animals that actually exist

5. The Chinese giant Salamander. This thing is the biggest modern amphibian, its length, with the tail can reach 180 cm Despite its eerie appearance, its Chinese giant Salamander was happy to eat, so what they still have — is unknown. But do not despair, because there is also a Japanese giant Salamander, a little bit smaller.

15 inconceivably gigantic animals that actually exist

6. Ludo — the world's longest cat. Maine coons are known as very large and fluffy cat. Ludo but not the average Maine Coon. In the 17 months he weighed 11 kg and exceed 110 cm in length. At the same time, according to his owners, who are shocked by the size of your pet, he eats even less than the rest of them cats. It is believed that Maine coons are very friendly. Would you dare to pet a cat the size of a dog?

15 inconceivably gigantic animals that actually exist

7. Frog-Goliath. If you are afraid of frogs, you better stay away from Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea habitat of this monster. Goliath is the largest of the modern frogs. Its body length can reach 30 cm, and with outstretched legs even more. In other respects it differs little from the most common frogs, tadpoles her birth does not have outstanding size. They're actively growing.

15 inconceivably gigantic animals that actually exist

8. Big Jake — biggest horse in the world. Horses in principle, it is difficult to call small animals, but among them there are particularly outstanding individuals. Official the growth of this Belgian gelding — 210,2 cm, and it weighs more than a ton. At birth he weighed over 100 kg — much more middle foals of his breed. Big Jake lives on a farm in Wisconsin, working in harness and has a lot of fans.

15 inconceivably gigantic animals that actually exist

9. Liger Hercules. Liger is a hybrid of a male lion and a tigress. And he not only exists, but sometimes reaches enormous sizes. Hercules was registered in the Guinness Book of records in 2006 as the largest representative of the cat's living on earth. Growth standing on hind legs of Hercules is 3.7 meters, and weight — 400 kg. He was born at the Institute for endangered and rare species in Miami, Florida, lives in the Florida interactive theme Park attraction "jungle island" and every day to participate in the presentation "the tale of the tiger".

15 inconceivably gigantic animals that actually exist

10. Japanese crab spider. This giant, reaching 19 kg in weight and 5.5 meters in the span of claws, not on the plate gourmet, and on the set of a horror movie, you might think, and you'd be wrong. In Japan it is considered a delicacy and are actively catch, leading to a sharp decline in the population. Currently, measures are being taken to preserve the biggest arthropod on earth.

15 inconceivably gigantic animals that actually exist

11. Blossom is the tallest cow in the world. Blossom was lucky to get into the Guinness Book of records twice. In 2015 she was recognized as the tallest living cow, but, unfortunately, he lived after this long. This sad event upset representatives of the Book of records, the following year, they decided to make it again, as the tallest cow in history. The growth of this beauty Holstein is 190 cm and weight was close to a ton.

15 inconceivably gigantic animals that actually exist

12. SKAT-hvostokol. This whopper was caught American TV star, a show about the wild with Jeff Corwin in the river, Khlong Mai, Thailand. SKAT, weighing more than 360 kg, was recognized as the most extensive SKAT-a hvostokol, and perhaps the largest freshwater fish ever caught in the world.

15 inconceivably gigantic animals that actually exist

13. Jellyfish is the largest snake in the world, is another winner of a record in the Guinness Book. Length reticulated Python named Madame Medusa is more than 7.5 metres. He lives in Kansas city, Missouri, belongs to the show-group, Full Moon Productions and regularly participates in performances for fans to tickle their nerves. Menu Madame consists of rabbits and pigs, and every 2 weeks she served on dinner the whole deer. When Medusa is in a good mood, she purrs like a cat. But if it starts to sizzle — better to be on the Lam, Madame in anger.

15 inconceivably gigantic animals that actually exist

14. Lolong the world's largest saltwater crocodile. Unlike other good-natured giants in this list, Lolong had not only impressive in size, and aggressive disposition. In September 2011, a suspect in the attack on the people of a giant crocodile caught in the vicinity of Bunawan the province of Agusan del sur in the Philippines. It took the joint efforts of the authorities, local people and hunters for crocodiles, three weeks of incessant hunting and 100, to get the animal to shore. That as a result managed to catch was a 50-year-old saltwater crocodile with a length of 6.17 meters and weighing slightly more than a ton. Lalanga settled in the Park, 8 km from Bunawan, where he became a local celebrity and brought in a good income until he died two years later, according to one version, the pneumonia, aggravated by stress.

15 inconceivably gigantic animals that actually exist

15. Big bill is the biggest pig in the world. Big bill set his record in 1933. But since none of the pigs were unable to approach the impressive performance of this giant of Tennessee — weight 1157,5 kg, height 150 cm and the length 275 cm

Keywords: Animals | The Guinness Book of Records | The giants | The largest | Most

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