15 images proving that Google Glass will change the future of photography

15 images proving that Google Glass will change the future of photography

Categories: Technology

One of the key advantages when shooting with Google Glass is the ability to shoot "in the first person", as if through the eyes of an event participant. And just as smartphones have revolutionized mobile photography, taking pictures with Glass and similar devices can take photography to a new level. This is confirmed by a selection of unusual images published by Business Insider.

(15 photos in total)

15 images proving that Google Glass will change the future of photography Source: tjournal.ru

15 images proving that Google Glass will change the future of photography

1. When photographing with Glass, you do not need to hold a camera in your hands. This makes it possible to create interesting shadows in the frame — as, for example, in this street shot of Richard Hernandez.

15 images proving that Google Glass will change the future of photography

2. Hernandez specializes in street photography, and he took some pretty interesting pictures while testing his Google Glass.

15 images proving that Google Glass will change the future of photography

3. The photographer has created his own recognizable style, but not without small tricks. So, for example, the original image taken on Glass, he can process using the Mextures application for smartphones to achieve a grainy effect.

15 images proving that Google Glass will change the future of photography

4. Color photos of Hernandez are also quite spectacular. In the picture below, for example, he combined two different photos taken on Glass, resulting in one seamless image.

15 images proving that Google Glass will change the future of photography

5. Another example of how a user used a shadow to create a beautiful picture through Glass.

15 images proving that Google Glass will change the future of photography

6. The photographer's free hands can become part of the composition of the image — as in this picture of Seda Sec, who captured the sunset in Miami.

15 images proving that Google Glass will change the future of photography

7. In free hands, you can take any object that completely rethinks the composition of the picture.

15 images proving that Google Glass will change the future of photography

8. We are talking not only about artistic photography, but also about new facets of citizen journalism. For example, Glass user Don Schwartz took a photo of a car crash that occurred on the highway next to his car.

15 images proving that Google Glass will change the future of photography

9. Glass has a 5-megapixel camera, but it is also capable of capturing images of very beautiful colors. As, for example, in this picture of the docks in Boston, also owned by Don Schwartz.

15 images proving that Google Glass will change the future of photography

10. First-person view of the Washington Monument.

15 images proving that Google Glass will change the future of photography

11. A picture with a similar composition may look fundamentally different.

15 images proving that Google Glass will change the future of photography

12. This picture was taken by a user named Max before a football match.

15 images proving that Google Glass will change the future of photography

13. Another owner of "smart glasses" with their help documented his 90-kilometer bicycle journey.

15 images proving that Google Glass will change the future of photography

14. A landscape taken from a surfboard by a Glass user named Chris.

15 images proving that Google Glass will change the future of photography

15. The owner of glasses named Joe and his photo from a rock concert.

Keywords: Google | Snapshot | Photography

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