14 ways to quickly relieve stress

14 ways to quickly relieve stress

Categories: Health and Medicine

The thoughts scatter, I can't concentrate, feeling of something very unpleasant inside until the panic – that they are typical symptoms of stress knocked us out of the rut.

What to do? Learn to manage stress, because this not only helps to get back in shape, but also eliminates diseases and even slow the aging process.

(14 photos)

14 ways to quickly relieve stress

14 ways to quickly relieve stress

1. Comb

During the working day in front of the monitor, mimic muscles are so strained that the head becomes heavy and starts to hurt. One of the ways to avoid stress – brushing the hair for 10-15 minutes. This procedure helps to “disperse” the blood and relax the muscles.

14 ways to quickly relieve stress

2. To eat ice cream

Delicious food is an effective anti-stress doping. Keep a good mood, relieve stress helps fatty fish, which contains omega 3, very beneficial for the nervous system. If you don't like fish, eat ice cream or a banana. These products are not worse antidepressants.

14 ways to quickly relieve stress

3. Massage

To save energy, massage for 30 seconds point under the nose, between the eyebrows, under the lower lip and in the center of the palm.

14 ways to quickly relieve stress

4. To RUB the palm of your hand

Another simple way to lose tension and avoid stress. Is going to RUB your palms together until they become hot. It is also useful to carefully RUB the ears. So you can cheer up and focus on work.

14 ways to quickly relieve stress

5. Rinse with conflicts and stress

To cope with the emotional negativity helps 15-minute shower. Stand under the warm jets of water to massage your head and shoulders. Soon you will feel the water carries away all the junk.

14 ways to quickly relieve stress

6. 27 items

Eastern practices taught: "do you Want to get rid of sadness, move 27 items in the house." It is believed that this frees up space for the energy, which can freely slide in the right direction. Try this method and see for yourself that it helps the brain to switch off, to relax and to rest.

14 ways to quickly relieve stress

7. Ladder

Arrange a 30-second jog up and down – this exercise will increase the flow of oxygen to kamchatyi parts of the brain responsible for managing emotional stress.

14 ways to quickly relieve stress

8. Paint

Psychologists have found that coloring pictures for two or three minutes during periods of high stress five times increases the likelihood of completion in time. That is, you can not only relive stress, but also may create some masterpiece.

14 ways to quickly relieve stress

9. Tea with hibiscus

With the accumulation of radicals person experiences anxiety and panic condition characteristic of stress. The hibiscus flowers give the radicals to concentrate, as if to liquefy them and thus helps to relieve stress without making you sluggish.

14 ways to quickly relieve stress

10. Flapping his arms

For many people stress is reflected in the fact that clamped, lose elasticity of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, neck and lumbosacral spine – hence the headaches and back pain. A good aid in this case can have a massage or swimming. At home and at work can perform simple relaxation exercises: need to rotate your hands, bend them in different directions, and to do leg swings.

14 ways to quickly relieve stress

11. Cleaning

Unfolding things in places helps to streamline thoughts, focus. In addition, a neat appearance of shelves, drawers, cabinets gives a peculiar psychological effect – external order and organization of the person unconsciously takes on a life of its own.

14 ways to quickly relieve stress

12. A minute for reflection

Take the opportunity to stay home alone to organize my thoughts. Turn on your favorite music, remove from the refrigerator favorite food, sit in your favorite chair. Think about what you would like the most and write down the wish on the paper. A clear plan will help to decide on further action.

14 ways to quickly relieve stress

13. Aromatherapy

Smells strongly associated with emotional memory. It is therefore very useful to have on hand a fragrance associated with the experienced moments of strong happiness, delight, bliss. Inhale it often, it will help to maintain a good mood.

14 ways to quickly relieve stress

14. Dancing

Be sure to dance at home! Rhythmic movements to the music well help to relieve stress. Besides dancing perceived as entertainment, as opposed to those same workouts in the fitness club.

Keywords: The body | Stress

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