14 places to visit in 2014

14 places to visit in 2014

Categories: Travel

During the winter holidays, it's time to plan, or at least dream about what to spend your future vacation on. We have selected several interesting options taking into account the trends in the international travel market and global cultural trends, and we are in a hurry to introduce you to our selection.

(14 photos in total)

14 places to visit in 2014

14 places to visit in 2014

1. The wonderful island of Cuba attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world: our compatriots have long chosen the "island of freedom" friendly to Russia, and after Beyonce and her husband's Cuban vacation in 2013, Americans actively rushed to the resorts of the country.

What is important for wildlife lovers, Cuba has managed to preserve beautiful and untouched beaches and forests.

14 places to visit in 2014

2. Bangkok

The capital of Thailand was visited by more than 15 million people last year, setting an absolute record among all cities in the world. The fast-growing metropolis of Bangkok offers everyone to explore the rich cultural heritage and live in modern, amazing hotels. Combined with delicious traditional cuisine, these factors make Bangkok a favorite destination for tourists who have already visited there and a "target" for potential travelers.

14 places to visit in 2014

3. If you prefer the northern regions to hot Thailand, we suggest you go to Iceland. Which, in case of "freezing", provides tourists with an opportunity to warm up and improve their health in geothermal spas.

The country recovered quite quickly after the economic crisis of 2008 and took its rightful place among the "most desirable" places to visit in Europe.

14 places to visit in 2014

4. Botswana

For most travelers, a "luxury" safari is a trip that is unlikely to be repeated a second time. Therefore, the Okavango Delta Reserve is a great place for such a "dream" trip. Hundreds of species of wild animals live here: elephants, buffaloes, rhinos, zebras, rare wild "specimens" — hippos and leopards.

However, only very wealthy tourists can afford luxury accommodation in the middle of the reserve: for example, the cost of a room per person is sometimes more than $ 1,750 per day.

14 places to visit in 2014

5. Tel Aviv has always been an extremely popular destination for visitors to Israel, and in general to the Middle East. And recently the city has become the "technological capital" of the East, a kind of "silicon Valley" — the famous Google office is located here, as well as representative offices of Amazon, Facebook, many small businesses and startups.

Tel Aviv also positions itself as a gay-friendly resort, and this, in turn, adds to the number of tourists in the city.

14 places to visit in 2014

6. The super-dynamic metropolis of Hong Kong has recently experienced a hotel boom: one after another, first-class hotels of the largest chains have opened here.

Once the city became the financial center of Asia, then a tourist and trade center, and now it is firmly conquering the niche of art, welcoming all kinds of art exhibitions and events, for example, the World Art Fair will be held in Hong Kong in May 2014.

In addition, local authorities have invested US$ 642 million in the creation of a Museum of Contemporary Arts, which is scheduled to open in 2017.

14 places to visit in 2014

7. Croatia, beloved by Russians, having become a member of the European Union and Schengen, regularly cancels visas for us, which many of our compatriots appreciate and are happy to go to enjoy the mild climate of the country. In addition to the mild, pleasant weather, Croatia offers stunning landscapes and beaches of the Adriatic, acquaintance with the rich cultural heritage and ancient architecture, as well as famous Mediterranean cuisine and wines.

14 places to visit in 2014

8. Many of us are familiar with the cultural center of our Homeland – St. Petersburg: you can return to this city again and again, and in 2014 you should not make exceptions. Walking along the Neva River, visiting the Hermitage, good and affordable cuisine and even nightlife – all this St. Petersburg offers both foreign and Russian tourists.

14 places to visit in 2014

9. Brazil welcomes millions of tourists this year, because the World Cup will be held here in the summer. The matches will be held in cities across the country – from Brasilia to Rio de Janeiro and from El Salvador to Sao Paulo. And just two years later, Brazil will become the venue for the Summer Olympics.

In preparation for the largest sporting events in the country, large–scale work is underway - the elimination of favelas (famous slums full of crime), the construction of hotels and tourist infrastructure, the fight against crime. And although Brazilians took to the streets en masse last summer, protesting against budget spending, many believe that in the near future the country will receive an influx of tourists from all over the world.

14 places to visit in 2014

10. With the announcement of Tokyo's choice as the venue for the 2020 Olympics, the bustling Asian metropolis has again attracted attention. The Games are still 6 years away, and the city is preparing to become the center of world tourism in the coming months.

Just in case, we add that Tokyo has literally "everything" — hotels of various types and budgets, shopping, unusual bright color and even the maximum number of 3–star Michelin restaurants (by the way, more than in all of France).

14 places to visit in 2014

11. Great Barrier Reef, Australia.

The largest coral formation in the world. It is protected by UNESCO, and is also considered one of the seven wonders of the world. Diving fans can observe 1,500 species of fish, whales, dolphins and other marine flora and fauna here.

Environmentalists predict the disappearance of the reef due to global warming and environmental pollution, so those who want to see this miracle should plan a trip to Australia for the next 50 years – this is the period left to the reef by experts.

14 places to visit in 2014

12. Nicaragua

The capital Managua is among the 10 cheapest cities in the world. And if you decide to spend money on a ticket to this country, here you will be greeted by snow-white beaches, unique nature reserves, amazing opportunities for diving and snorkeling with huge turtles. And in Nicaragua, you can climb a volcano.

14 places to visit in 2014

13. Berlin is rightfully considered one of the "coolest" European cities. Trendy clubs and bars, designer shops in Berlin are adjacent to traditional historical sights.

Affordable hotels and relatively inexpensive air travel – in a word, "recommended"!

14 places to visit in 2014

14. If you are a romantic at heart, striving to conquer space, we offer another option as a bonus. This year, it will be possible to go on an intergalactic journey on a Virgin Galactic aircraft. At the “economy” rate of $250,000 per person. "Let's go!", as they say.

Keywords: 2014 | Vacation | Tourism

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