13 little things that make women look older, even if they spend a ton of money

13 little things that make women look older, even if they spend a ton of money

Categories: Beauty | Fashion | Life hacks | Lifestyle | People | Production | Society | World

One of the most important functions of makeup and clothing is to hide flaws and highlight strengths. But very often, when girls put on bad makeup or put on a costume that does not suit them, they achieve the opposite effect and turn into old women. In other words, they look much older than they really are.

We at Pictolic decided to find out in what aspects of our appearance we seem to be older than ourselves. After reading this article, you can test if your clothes or makeup is working for you or against you.


13 little things that make women look older, even if they spend a ton of money

1. Too much makeup.

Too many cosmetics always make the face look older and heavier. Even when you want to look cool, it is better not to do smoky eyes, red lips, and also to highlight the cheekbones. When makeup is too bright or unnatural, it looks messy.

13 little things that make women look older, even if they spend a ton of money

2. Burgundy clothes.

It's simple: burgundy is a dark color that makes women look older and bright hues make them look younger. This is why burgundy should always be away from the face. The classic mix will be a burgundy skirt or trousers with a light blouse or sweater on top. Such an outfit will stretch the figure and add lightness thanks to the correct color scheme. If you have a burgundy top, it is better to add something lighter to your face, such as a light-colored shirt, scarf, or collar.

13 little things that make women look older, even if they spend a ton of money

3. Classical clothing is made from certain fabrics.

Tweed and tapestry clothing will always make you look older than you really are. Such clothes are always associated with antiques, so you need to be very careful. It is better to wear smooth materials without a lot of patterns, which, by the way, can enlarge the body.

13 little things that make women look older, even if they spend a ton of money

4. Nice business suit.

People in uniforms and business suits look older. These clothes were created in order to appear wiser and more experienced. If you cannot do without a standard suit, it is better to choose casual models. Small details like rolled-up sleeves will make the look less gathered and a lot fresher.

13 little things that make women look older, even if they spend a ton of money

5. Dropped chin.

Since the head is always tilted downward, the muscles in the face and neck atrophy, so the skin "slides" downward, forming a double chin and wrinkles. In addition, the face starts to look sad, which also adds extra years. This is why try to keep your head up when walking, working on your computer, or using your phone. Over time, you will develop a habit without having to control it.

13 little things that make women look older, even if they spend a ton of money

6. Dark powder or blush under the cheekbones.

Many girls apply blush and dark powder too deep under their cheekbones, which makes their cheeks look too low. This subtle detail makes you look older. To achieve the opposite effect, you can try using lighter shades and apply them higher.

13 little things that make women look older, even if they spend a ton of money

7. Pearlescent lipstick.

The older the woman, the more wrinkles she has, and the corners of her lips begin to sink. And these lipsticks only emphasize all these age-related changes. Plus, pearl lipsticks often make the look cheaper.

13 little things that make women look older, even if they spend a ton of money

8. Dark lipstick.

Dark colors enhance the contrast with the skin and make the lips look thinner than they really are. In addition, as we age, our lips lose their plumpness, and their lines fade, and as a result, lipstick spreads beyond the contours.

13 little things that make women look older, even if they spend a ton of money

9. Very clear lip contour.

Very often, lip liner is associated with old age. It also makes the lips look small. To look younger, make sure you don't have a clear outline - this will make your lips look more natural.

13 little things that make women look older, even if they spend a ton of money

10. Felt hats.

Felt hats look old-fashioned and make you look older. This is especially true for dark hats. However, there are exceptions - if the hat is light or even bright, this can be a great choice. What you wear with it also matters a lot.

13 little things that make women look older, even if they spend a ton of money

11. Huge handbag.

A gigantic handbag that can hold all the household items quickly turns a trendy girl into an old lady, showing how much the girl has fallen behind trends. In most cases, you will need a medium-sized bag for all of your belongings. It's much more elegant.

13 little things that make women look older, even if they spend a ton of money

12. Massive jewelry.

Hands with rings on which huge gems look massive. The biggest danger is that such jewelry takes us back to the days of kings. In the modern world, such jewelry looks outdated and adds 10-15 years to the wearer.

13 little things that make women look older, even if they spend a ton of money

13. Huge collar.

In autumn and winter, many women prefer these collars, but they give them antiquity. It's too awkward and difficult to keep the correct proportions of the clothes.

Keywords: Women | Money | Beauty | Functions | Makeup | Clothing | Style | Tricks | Lifehacks | Costume

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