13 extreme dishes that not everyone dares to try

13 extreme dishes that not everyone dares to try

Categories: World

In the cuisine of every country there is a dish that will seem strange to a visiting tourist. For example, foreigners who come to explore Russian expanses cannot understand how it is possible to eat layers of salted herring with boiled vegetables, a jelly-like mixture of beef and chicken, or cucumbers and sausage floating in kefir or kvass.

Due to the culinary characteristics of the region and personal preferences, the same dish may seem fantastically tasty or inedible to representatives of different countries. In the daily menu of individual countries, there are dishes that even a survivalist who finds himself in extreme conditions would not dare to try. These 13 dishes are, to put it mildly, a big fan. They look even worse than they smell, and have a very specific taste that can surprise even the most notorious exotic lovers.

(Total 13 photos)

13 extreme dishes that not everyone dares to try Source: dnpmag.com

13 extreme dishes that not everyone dares to try

1. In Mexico, some insects are considered a delicacy. Like those agave-dwelling worms stuffed into tacos.

13 extreme dishes that not everyone dares to try

2. This dish looks quite appetizing only until the unprepared tourist is told the secret of what it consists of. And they make it from a mixture of chopped vegetables and chopped grasshoppers.

13 extreme dishes that not everyone dares to try

3. Locust meat contains 46% protein, 4.5% fat and a number of other substances, due to which it has great nutritional value. It is not surprising that some peoples eat it, simply frying it in oil and sprinkling with salt.

13 extreme dishes that not everyone dares to try

4. Another delicacy for an amateur is macaroons decorated with dried insects. It is not produced in Asia at all, but in Europe. Micronutris believes that in a few years insects will become the main source of protein, so they add dehydrated crickets, larvae, mealworms and other insects to their sweets.

13 extreme dishes that not everyone dares to try

5. In the future, scientists are going to deal with food shortages with the help of insects. To prepare the inhabitants of the planet mentally, some companies are already producing hybrid products like these pastries with custard and mealworm larvae.

13 extreme dishes that not everyone dares to try

6. One of the most popular dishes in Southeast Asia is frozen duck or pig blood pudding.

13 extreme dishes that not everyone dares to try

7. In a Chinese restaurant in the ancient city of Yogyakarta on the island of Java, you can taste cobra meat. It is served as part of a hamburger.

13 extreme dishes that not everyone dares to try

8. On the day of the summer solstice in the Chinese city of Yulin, meat of cats and dogs is cooked. This brutal tradition is over 600 years old. Every year, the festival causes large-scale protests around the world: millions of animal advocates are calling for abandoning the tradition and switching to familiar food.

13 extreme dishes that not everyone dares to try

9. In Zhejiang province in China, tongzidan is considered a traditional dish - chicken eggs boiled in the urine of boys under 10 years of age. Eggs are boiled for a whole day, while cracking the shell so that urine penetrates into the egg.

13 extreme dishes that not everyone dares to try

10. In a city in northwestern Saudi Arabia, thorntail lizards are eaten. Animals are eaten both after heat treatment and raw.

13 extreme dishes that not everyone dares to try

11. In Malawi, boiled rats are eaten. You can buy them right on the side of the road.

13 extreme dishes that not everyone dares to try

12. Skinless frog is one of the ingredients of a traditional drink made in Peru, such as the market in San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima.

13 extreme dishes that not everyone dares to try

13. For the annual dinner of the Explorers Club, many different delicacies are prepared. At the latest event, held at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City, whole alligators were the main menu item.

Keywords: Dishes | Exotic | Extreme

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