12 Times People Spotted Such Funny Signs They Just Had To Share Them Online

12 Times People Spotted Such Funny Signs They Just Had To Share Them Online

Categories: Advertising | People | Society | World

Whether or not you believe in signs from the universe, you can’t deny that there are signs all around us! I mean. Just go outside and you’ll see street signs, advertisements, billboards, warnings about road work, sandwich boards outside of shops, “lost cat” flyers, and more.

You’ve probably learned how to ignore the vast majority of these signs, as they’re not all relevant to you personally. But you might want to start keeping an eye out for humorous signs because apparently, there are plenty all over the world! We took a trip to the Funny Signs subreddit and gathered some of their silliest posts down below. So enjoy scrolling through, and be sure to upvote the signs you’d love to encounter in real life!


12 Times People Spotted Such Funny Signs They Just Had To Share Them Online

#1 Grammatically Correct

12 Times People Spotted Such Funny Signs They Just Had To Share Them Online

#2 Be Positive

12 Times People Spotted Such Funny Signs They Just Had To Share Them Online

#3 I Finally Found It!

If being chronically online has taught me anything, it’s that the internet can find a way to make almost anything funny. From political memes to silly cooking videos, I’ve cackled at it all. Even something as mundane as signage can make my sides hurt from laughter from time to time!

That’s why we’re such big fans of the Funny Signs subreddit here at Bored Panda. This community has over 3 million members, and it’s a treasure trove of hilarious signs from all over the world. Here, you’ll find humorous billboards and posters that would be sure to grab your attention if you encountered them in real life, as well as inspiration for the next time you have to design some signage at work. 

12 Times People Spotted Such Funny Signs They Just Had To Share Them Online

#4 Most Honest And Heart Warming Sign Ever…

12 Times People Spotted Such Funny Signs They Just Had To Share Them Online

#5 It's Okay To Be Broken

12 Times People Spotted Such Funny Signs They Just Had To Share Them Online

#6 Italians

Designing an eye-catching sign isn’t always easy. If you’re paying for a billboard off the side of the highway, you’re competing with hundreds of other businesses for attention. And if you’re expecting pedestrians to notice your flyers while walking down the street, well, you better hope they glance up from their phones for a moment or two.

Signs are all around us, so if you’re going to put in the effort to create one, you might as well go all out. According to VistaPrint’s Ultimate Guide to Signage Design, it’s important to first decide what type of sign will be best for getting your message across. Whether you have a billboard, banner, A-frame sign, digital screen, shopfront sign, or flag in mind, your choice will determine the best way to create your design.   

12 Times People Spotted Such Funny Signs They Just Had To Share Them Online

#7 More Or Less

12 Times People Spotted Such Funny Signs They Just Had To Share Them Online

#8 Just Chill…

12 Times People Spotted Such Funny Signs They Just Had To Share Them Online

#9 Now Throw Something!

When it comes to promoting your brand through a sign, VistaPrint notes that it’s important to understand the story you want to tell. How do you want your business to be perceived? A sign is “a silent salesperson” that can tell the public plenty about your brand. It has the power to elevate (or humiliate) your company, so it’s important to make wise and well-thought-out choices.

12 Times People Spotted Such Funny Signs They Just Had To Share Them Online

#10 What Do You Think?

12 Times People Spotted Such Funny Signs They Just Had To Share Them Online

#11 That's A Lot Of Butts

12 Times People Spotted Such Funny Signs They Just Had To Share Them Online

#12 Classic Lmao

There are also some basics that you should keep in mind when designing signs, so your message doesn’t get overshadowed by something silly like a spelling or grammar error. VistaPrint notes that legibility is extremely important. It’s also wise to keep your message concise. When we see too many words, we tend to tune them out. We’ve all ruined our attention spans with social media, remember? Visibility is also key. Place the sign in a location where it’ll get lots of eyes on it.

Keywords: People | Funny signs | Advertisements | Billboards | Warnings | Outside of shops

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