11 scary signs that the end of the world is near

11 scary signs that the end of the world is near

Categories: News | People | Photo project | Tragedy | World

Have you ever watched the news and felt that the end of the world was near? You are not alone. It's creepy how many things in the news potentially point to the apocalypse. While many have tried and failed to predict the end of the world in the past, it looks like it could actually bring it to reality today. From the advancement of artificial intelligence and genetic engineering to the rise of political turmoil and tensions between global superpowers, humankind adds more potentially disastrous things to the list every day, and it's pretty scary. By the end of this list, you will probably have a real desire to build a bunker and stock up on food. Here are 11 scary signs that the end of the world is near.


11 scary signs that the end of the world is near

1. Doomsday clock.

Each year, a group of scientists makes a report on how close the world is to destruction. This is called the Doomsday Clock. Their latest report in 2018 indicated that we are two minutes before midnight because world leaders are not suppressing nuclear tensions. For comparison, in 1991 it was 17 minutes to midnight.

11 scary signs that the end of the world is near

2. The rich prepare.

The super-rich has more money than they can spend. In this case, they are spending billions on preparations for the end of the world, building high-tech bunkers under houses and buying up tons of land in New Zealand. For example, Peter Tel bought the property and even citizenship there, and Reddit CEO Steve Huffman made Lasik so he doesn't have to worry about glasses in the apocalypse.

11 scary signs that the end of the world is near

3. Religious persecution.

Christians believe that massive religious persecution will be a sign of the end times. According to a Yale University study, 50 million people from the Middle East and Asia have fled their homes mainly due to religious persecution in their home countries. In addition, a study by the Pew Research Center found that Christians were persecuted by governments and social groups in more than 128 countries in 2015, more than any other religious group.

11 scary signs that the end of the world is near

4. Melting of the Arctic.

The polar regions of the Arctic and Antarctic are paramount to a healthy global climate, but the ice is melting at a dramatic astonishing rate that could cause disaster. Scientists have used satellites to observe ice for 20 years and have observed ice melting five times since 1990. Arctic ice thickness has also decreased by 40% since 1960. Scientists predict the Arctic could be ice-free by 2040.

11 scary signs that the end of the world is near

5. Rising tensions among global powers.

In recent years, the United States, Russia, and China have increasingly clashed with each other, and the conflicts in Syria and Ukraine have tested the relationship between Russia and the United States. At the same time, China continues to build artificial islands as military bases in contested waters and increases its influence in Southeast Asia. Rising tensions and a poorly calculated political move could provoke World War III, a nuclear holocaust, and millions of deaths.

11 scary signs that the end of the world is near

6. Supervolcano.

It may sound like something out of a bad movie, but supervolcanoes, more formally known as calderas, are very real ticking bombs for the planet. For example, Yellowstone, a beautiful and majestic park in the United States, is home to one of these bombs. Geologists say that Yellowstone Volcano is capable of erupting thousand times more powerful than Mount St. Helens, and could cover the United States in ash and trigger a new ice age. With recent eruptions, many are wondering if Yellowstone is next.

11 scary signs that the end of the world is near

7. Pandemic influenza.

The most recent influenza pandemic was the Spanish flu, which killed 500 million people worldwide. It was almost 100 years ago. Bill Gates and medical experts have voiced the alarm we expect from another flu pandemic, and we are very unprepared for it. With the world's massive traffic, including airplanes, boats, and trains, an irresistible flu virus can spread like wildfire and kill 30 million people in a matter of months.

11 scary signs that the end of the world is near

8. Solar flare.

150 years ago, a massive solar flare struck the Earth. Back then, with little electronic technology, the damage was negligible. However, scientists believe that at any time this could happen again, and if it does, it will be catastrophic for society, because the outbreak knocks out the Earth's electrical grid, causing trillions of dollars in damage. Since our society depends on computers, it's pretty easy to imagine chaos going on.

11 scary signs that the end of the world is near

9. Potential alien contact.

It is hard to imagine, but there is the possibility of contacting aliens. In fact, our technological advances make contact even more likely. Some scientists believe that we might make contact within the next decade. While it may sound exciting, it can also lead to a complete cataclysm on Earth. If the aliens are more advanced than us, then they will most likely destroy us. There is also a threat that they might bring new diseases.

11 scary signs that the end of the world is near

10. Collapse of the ecosystem.

The world's climate is changing dramatically, resulting in unprecedented famines, droughts, and floods in unexpected places. With such drastic changes in the environment, entire plant and animal species will become extinct, leading to the collapse of the ecosystem. Using satellites, scientists said the process had already begun.

11 scary signs that the end of the world is near

11. Mass madness.

Despite the unsurpassed comfort in many developed countries, the world is increasingly plagued by mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. The World Health Organization has stated that 300 million people worldwide have depression, an increase of 18% since 2005. If mental disorders continue to grow and are left stigmatized, ignored and untreated, the world will easily become destabilized.

Keywords: World | Signs | News | Society | People | Tragedy | Ending

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