10 ways to use dishwashing detergent for other purposes

10 ways to use dishwashing detergent for other purposes

Categories: Life hacks

Many ordinary things keep secrets. Even a simple dishwashing detergent has potential that most of us don't even know about. What else can this household chemicals, which we habitually use to wash plates and baking sheets?

10 ways to use dishwashing detergent for other purposes

10 ways to use dishwashing detergent for other purposes

Herbicides are most often used to combat unwanted vegetation in the garden and in the garden. But these are toxic and at the same time expensive drugs. To solve the problem with weeds with improvised means, mix 1 tablespoon of dishwashing liquid, 1 cup of salt and 4.5 liters of vinegar in a container. This mixture can be poured into a spray bottle and used instead of a herbicide. When processing, it is important to remember that the liquid is dangerous for any vegetation and it should not get on cultivated plants.

10 ways to use dishwashing detergent for other purposes

If you are pestered by midges, instead of toxic insecticides, you can use a simple trap. To do this, a high glass is half filled with apple cider vinegar and 5-6 drops of dishwashing detergent are added. After that, the glass is topped up with water. A cap of thick foam should appear on the surface of the liquid. The trap should be placed in places where insects congregate. Attracted by the smell, they will climb into the glass, where they will be trapped in a viscous liquid.

10 ways to use dishwashing detergent for other purposes

Fogging glasses is a problem that everyone faces in the cold season. If you have no desire to purchase special formulations for this scourge, use household chemicals. To prevent the glasses from fogging up, you need to apply a few drops of dishwashing detergent to the fabric. After that, wipe the lenses with a cloth on both sides. When the product dries, wipe the glasses with a soft cloth and wear them to your health. The effect persists for a while, after which the treatment must be repeated.

10 ways to use dishwashing detergent for other purposes

There is nothing easier than getting rid of the creaking door hinges. To do this, they just need to be lubricated with engine oil. But if there is no lubricant at hand and there is no desire to go to the store for it? In this case, a dishwashing detergent will help. Apply it instead of oil to the friction points of the metal parts. After that, open and close the door several times to evenly distribute the liquid.

10 ways to use dishwashing detergent for other purposes

If the tire of a car or bicycle, an inflatable toy or a mattress began to lose air, then it is not difficult to find a puncture site. To do this, you need to dissolve a little dish detergent in water and spray the mixture at the intended site of damage. Soap bubbles that appear at the place of the air outlet will accurately indicate damage.

10 ways to use dishwashing detergent for other purposes

For bruises, there is no better remedy, I eat cold compresses. For their manufacture, you can use water or ice, or you can use a soap solution of detergent. If it is poured into an airtight bag and cooled in the freezer, the composition will not freeze completely. It will turn into a gel that will keep cold for a long time.

10 ways to use dishwashing detergent for other purposes

The dishwashing detergent makes an excellent substitute for insecticide. When your home plants are attacked by insect pests, the use of chemicals is not the best option. Poisons dangerous for you and your pets will be replaced by household chemicals. Dissolve two teaspoons of dishwashing liquid in a glass of warm water. The resulting composition can be sprayed on indoor plants — it perfectly eliminates aphids, mites and whiteflies.

10 ways to use dishwashing detergent for other purposes

If the sewer pipe is clogged, and there was no special cleaning agent at hand, you can use a gel for washing dishes. A glass of this remedy should be poured into the toilet bowl or sink drain and left for 10-15 minutes. After that, you need to rinse the pipe with 2-3 liters of boiling water. The blockage will almost certainly be eliminated.

10 ways to use dishwashing detergent for other purposes

Dishwashing detergents break down fat well. This property of theirs can be used to remove greasy stains on clothes and even carpets. To do this, apply the composition liberally to the contaminated area and leave for 10-15 minutes. After that, the washing liquid is removed with a large amount of water. If the problem could not be solved the first time, you can repeat the action once or twice.

10 ways to use dishwashing detergent for other purposes

Buying soap bubbles for a child can be a serious cost item. Children really like this fun, but one container is rarely enough for more than a couple of days. In addition, the liquid is often poured. You can make liquid for soap bubbles yourself. To do this, 2/3 cup of dishwashing detergent is mixed with 2-3 teaspoons of glycerin. If glycerin was not at home, it can be replaced with corn syrup. Mix the composition with 4 liters of water and this is guaranteed to be enough for your child for the whole summer!

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