10 unusual foods

10 unusual foods

Categories: Health and Medicine

The desire to eat inedible doctors call "parorexia." There are a lot of reasons for such a disorder: mental and physical injuries, diseases of various organs, severe beriberi, and even banal curiosity or a desire to become famous. Here are ten of the most unusual "foods".

(Total 10 photos)

10 unusual foods

10 unusual foods

1. Metal

By the age of 57, a resident of France, Michael Lotito, managed to eat 18 bicycles, 15 carts, 7 TVs, 6 chandeliers, 2 beds, a Cessna 150 light aircraft (look at the photo, by the way, the weight of an unladen aircraft is 504 kg, however, this is from all non-metal " filling") and even one coffin.

Doctors unanimously claim that Michael Lotilo has an extremely powerful stomach. When preparing his unusual dishes, Michael first crushes the metal, and then swallows the metal pieces, washing them down with plenty of water. The amount of metal he has eaten over the years proves that such an unusual delicacy does not cause any allergies in him, which cannot be said about ordinary bananas and hard-boiled eggs, which Michael categorically cannot stand.

10 unusual foods

2. Meat from animals killed on the roads

Such a delicacy does not cause the slightest disgust in Arthur Boyt from England. He is 72 years old, and for 35 years of them he does not deny himself the pleasure of eating a roast from a badger, cat, ferret or lizard that has fallen under the wheels of cars. Surprisingly, for all these years, Arthur came across only healthy animals, and such a treat did not cause any sad consequences. By profession, Arthur is a taxidermist, and he knows how to handle any meat professionally. In addition, he skillfully knows how to soak and process already spoiled meat, so even if the “prey” is not the first freshness, this does not spoil the dinner at all and does not reduce appetite.

10 unusual foods

3. Human blood

The 45-year-old woman from Pennsylvania does not suffer from a severe hereditary disease of porphyria, the victims of which really crave blood (although in modern conditions they do not need to drink it - injections of a special medicine are enough). It just seems to her that by doing this, she becomes stronger and healthier. The woman claims to be able to drink a whole gallon of blood, that is, almost 4.5 liters. This is the approximate volume of all the blood in the body of an adult and the maximum possible stomach volume of a trained glutton.

10 unusual foods

4. Gasoline

The Chinese are known for their ability to eat anything. Hunger is not an aunt. Cheng Yunyu, 71, for example, is addicted to gasoline, drinking up to 3.5 liters of it a month. It all started with the fact that a fellow villager advised him to take a sip of kerosene to cure a painful cough. The drug worked, and then, as is often the case with drugs, it became addictive. And now Cheng Yunyu drinks a good glass of gasoline every day.

10 unusual foods

5. Scorpions

In fact, scorpions do not quite fit into this collection. In the wild, scorpions are eaten not only by hedgehogs, lizards, birds and mongooses, but also by baboons. And this means that it is only necessary to cook a scorpion correctly, then it will fit perfectly into food for a person. Today, scorpion dishes are served not only in remote Asian villages, but also in elite restaurants in Europe and America. They say that you can get used to this delicacy very quickly, and fried scorpions taste like chips, and they even seem to have medicinal properties.

10 unusual foods

6. Cushion filler

Adele Edwards, a 31-year-old Florida resident, has been known to eat cushion fillers for over 20 years. The “trigger” for such an unusual disorder was the divorce of her parents, which she had to endure at the age of 10 years. Trying to somehow calm down and distract herself, the girl first chewed on the pillows, and then it came to real eating stuffing. Over the years, the eating disorder has not subsided, and today Adele says that the best sedative for her is a piece of stuffing rolled in the mud. And Adele resorts to such a dangerous “antidepressant” so often that in a year she manages to eat the contents of 7 sofas and 3 pillows.

10 unusual foods

7. Ashes after cremation

66-year-old Casey was suddenly widowed - her husband died of an asthmatic attack. Casey never wanted to part with him, and as a result began to carry a particle of his ashes with her everywhere. One day, by some chance, part of the ashes woke up on her hand. The woman did not find the strength to simply shake it off, and licked off everything that got on her skin. So an absurd accident gave rise to a serious disorder. Today, Casey claims to have eaten almost a whole pound (about 450 grams) of ash. This is approximately one eighth of the contents of the burial urn.

10 unusual foods

8. Soap

Multi-colored, pleasantly smelling, foaming soap quite often misleads children. Perhaps, among us there are many who, in childhood, did not escape the temptation to try a fragrant, glossy piece on the tooth or sip rainbow foam. The vast majority of children almost immediately realize that soap tastes much worse than it looks, and the consequences of such a treat are generally no good. But there are those who like the taste of soap so much that they cannot get rid of a bad habit throughout their lives. For example, Tempest Henderson loves soap so much that he eats 5 bars every week. And no therapy can yet help her to give up this highly toxic "delicacy".

10 unusual foods

9. Urine

Urine ingestion is such a common feature that it has even found acceptance as a form of alternative medicine. They drink it, they wash themselves with it, they wash everything that can be washed with it. Traditional medicine recognizes only the external use of urine, and only in extreme cases. For example, a burn or wound in the field in the absence of disinfectants. But this remedy can only be used if the “donor” is perfectly healthy, otherwise a guaranteed additional infection will result. Not a single survival instructor recommends drinking urine even with extreme thirst - it contains too many salts and toxic substances. But all these highly scientific arguments do not in the least cool the ardor of urine therapy lovers.

10 unusual foods

10. Breast milk

Of course, breast milk is created by nature itself as an ideal food, without which a healthy body cannot form at all. Since it is often sorely lacking even for babies, adults never allow themselves to encroach on this delicacy and are content with cow, goat, sheep, horse, etc.

But Tim Brown, a resident of London, still uses breast milk for food. This precious product is generously provided to him by his own daughter, while there is an opportunity. The fact is that Tim is ill with bowel cancer, and after learning about the theory that his condition can be relieved by breast milk, the family decided to try this remedy.

Keywords: Dozen | Products | Strange

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