10 unpretentious plants for those who do not have time
Categories: World
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/10-unpretentious-plants-for-those-who-do-not-have-time.htmlFlowers that do not require special care are the ideal solution for those who do not have the opportunity to often take care of them due to being busy or lazy. We have collected 10 houseplants that are indulgent to the forgetfulness of the owner, they are patient, not capricious and require almost no special care.
(Total 10 photos)
Source: Bright Side
1. Succulents (© housedesign)
Succulents are perennial plants with fleshy succulent leaves or stems. They are easy enough to keep at home, as they adapt well to room conditions. To successfully grow succulents, you need to water them several times a week, keep them close to the light, it is advisable to make a little drainage.
2. Ficuses (© efeblog)
Ficus is the most popular mini-tree among indoor plant lovers. He does not need constant care, but in order for his crown to acquire a beautiful juicy green color, constant sunlight is needed. During the period of intensive growth, it needs a lot of water. From spring to autumn, the plant should be watered regularly. In early September, watering is gradually reduced, and in winter it is enough to water once every 10 days.
3. Mother-in-law tongue (© housedesign)
Mother-in-law's tongue is considered an absolutely unpretentious plant. It can even be in a dry dusty room. Although the plant is photophilous, it also feels good in partial shade. Mother-in-law's tongue does not like abundant soil moisture. Water it in spring and summer should be extremely moderate, in winter - no more than 1 time per month.
4. Spathiphyllum
Spathiphyllum is a favorite of florists and flower growers. This indoor flower is not picky about lighting. Spathiphyllum can be a wonderful decoration for office space and living rooms with little light. The plant makes demands only on humidity. It loves abundant constant moisture, it must be watered as the topsoil dries up.
5. Balsam (© housedesign)
Balsam is a houseplant that has long and firmly settled on the windowsills of plant lovers. The flower loves moisture, it is better to water it than to forget to water it. For this, he received a funny nickname - "wet Vanka." Balsam blooms best in small pots. If you plant it in a large flowerpot, it will spend all its strength on growth, and it will take a long time to bloom.
6. Ivy (© womannow)
Ivy is used for vertical gardening and is ideal for hanging baskets. Home care for ivy is easy. It successfully grows both in bright light and in shaded places, tolerates dry air, dust, short daylight hours at high temperatures in winter. Ivy is watered abundantly, spraying will not be superfluous.
7. Cacti (© housedesign)
These are evergreen and viable plants that, it would seem, can exist in any conditions. All they need is some soil, sunlight, and a little water. Some cacti, especially young ones, bloom very often. The first flower may appear upon reaching the age of 3-4 years.
8. Chlorophytum (© housedesign)
Chlorophytum is one of the popular indoor plants that is found in almost every home. It grows well in any light, in almost any type of soil, and is suitable for pots of any size. If you accidentally forgot about watering, then it will just fade a little or fade, but it will not dry out.
9. Aspidistra (© planaffair)
Quite often you can see this plant in the halls, corridors, on the stairs of office centers, grow aspidistra and at home. Aspidistra is a shade tolerant plant. It must be protected from the bright sun. It grows well away from the window, but it is not recommended to “push” the plant into deep shade. In room culture, home aspidistra rarely blooms.
10. Kalanchoe (© mirchar)
The beneficial properties of Kalanchoe have been known to people for a long time. The plant has an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect. In addition to their medicinal properties, many species have excellent decorative qualities. Kalanchoe does not require much effort from the owner. It has the ability to accumulate water in the leaves and stems, to regulate moisture reserves. Thus, a prolonged absence of water is not critical for him.
Keywords: Time | Laziness | Plants | Flowers
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