10 Unexpected Things Men Think Sexy

10 Unexpected Things Men Think Sexy

Categories: Society

Any woman will name dozens of things that men consider sexy and are unlikely to make a mistake at least once. But there are fetishes that may not be on this list, as their eroticism for the fair sex is questionable. But men have their own "cockroaches in the head" and this must also be taken into account. So, here are 10 stereotype-breaking things that turn most guys on.

10 Unexpected Things Men Think Sexy

10 Unexpected Things Men Think Sexy

Surprisingly, many men find angry women incredibly sexy. Perhaps there is something in this that we inherited from primitive man.

10 Unexpected Things Men Think Sexy

A woman, covered with sweat, begins to feel at ease in the company of men. Sexologists say that in vain, since more than half of men confidently say that they consider sweat on the female body to be very erotic.

10 Unexpected Things Men Think Sexy

Men find all kinds of stretches sexy, whether it's yoga in the gym or just morning stretches. Why? No one can explain this yet, so let's be satisfied with a statement of fact for now.

10 Unexpected Things Men Think Sexy

Vibrations and fluctuations of body parts, which often confuse women, are considered by men to be very sexy. Therefore, it is not necessary to be embarrassed by bouncing breasts while jogging.

10 Unexpected Things Men Think Sexy

Surprisingly, for some representatives of the stronger sex, a flannel shirt worn by a woman on a naked body is as sexy as an expensive lace peignoir. But this only applies to shirts!

10 Unexpected Things Men Think Sexy

You can spend a lot of money on stylists and hairdressers, get the most flawless styling in the world, but it’s the tousled hair that will still turn your boyfriend on.

10 Unexpected Things Men Think Sexy

Men love everything loud, so they find not only women sexy, but also firearms. And if the weapon is in the hands of a woman, then this attracts them doubly.

10 Unexpected Things Men Think Sexy

The simplest sports headdress on a girl's head is found by many to be very erotic. The effect is greatly enhanced if the baseball cap is on the athlete's head.

10 Unexpected Things Men Think Sexy

Men find it very sexual to eat certain types of food. The leader in the list of the most erotic products, of course, is a banana.

10 Unexpected Things Men Think Sexy

It doesn't really matter what musical instrument you play - in the eyes of men, it's sexy anyway.

Do you know that there is a car officially recognized as the sexiest vehicle?

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