10 Times People Came Across An Unusual Vending Machine And Just Had To Share It

10 Times People Came Across An Unusual Vending Machine And Just Had To Share It

Categories: People | Social Networks | Society | Technology | World

When you think of a vending machine, we tend to imagine a candy bar or perhaps row after row of bottled beverages. But have you ever seen, for example, a machine stuffed to the brim with blankets? We’ve gathered some of the weirdest and most interesting vending machines from around the internet.
We also contacted Lisa Yaszek, a professor of science fiction studies in the School of Literature, media, and Communication at Georgia Tech to learn more. So get comfortable as you scroll through, be sure to upvote your favorites and share your thoughts in the comments section below.


10 Times People Came Across An Unusual Vending Machine And Just Had To Share It

#1 My Local Community College Has Free Emergency Contraceptive Pills In The Vending Machines

10 Times People Came Across An Unusual Vending Machine And Just Had To Share It

#2 My Airport Has A Book Vending Machine

10 Times People Came Across An Unusual Vending Machine And Just Had To Share It

#3 A Cheese Vending Machine In A Mountain Village In Switzerland

Pictolic contacted Lisa Yaszek, a professor of science fiction studies in the School of Literature, media, and Communication at Georgia Tech to discuss vending machines and science fiction. Firstly, we wanted to know why this relatively old piece of technology still can feel like it’s from the future.

“Even though vending machines have been around since 1888, for over 103 years, I think they still feel like science fiction to us for three reasons. First, of course, vending machines are machines, which have been symbols of the future since the beginning of the industrial revolution in the late 1700s.”

10 Times People Came Across An Unusual Vending Machine And Just Had To Share It

#4 This Bakery In Japan Puts Their Leftover Bread In A Vending Machine To Sell After Hours

10 Times People Came Across An Unusual Vending Machine And Just Had To Share It

#5 Grocery Store Near Me Has A Sticker Vending Machine With 90s Stock In It

10 Times People Came Across An Unusual Vending Machine And Just Had To Share It

#6 They Have Baguette Vending Machines In France

“Second, vending machines embody everything we associate with utopian visions of a post-scarcity society, where everyone has enough food, shelter, and clothing: they offer us a variety of pre-made goods ranging from everyday essentials like ChapStick, fishing bait, and razors to little luxuries like chewing gum, makeup, and champagne to health product like sanitary napkins, condoms, at-home tests, and first aid kits.”

10 Times People Came Across An Unusual Vending Machine And Just Had To Share It

#7 A Local Farm Sells Eggs At A 24/7 Vending Machine On Their Driveway

10 Times People Came Across An Unusual Vending Machine And Just Had To Share It

#8 24/7 Pizza Vending Machine In Finland

10 Times People Came Across An Unusual Vending Machine And Just Had To Share It

#9 A Shop Repurposed An Old Cigarette Machine To Sell Local Artisans' Work

“This is especially true of the most recent generation of smart vending machines that use sensors, cameras, and algorithms to detect preferences and tailor recommendations—these are machines that offer us the future with a human touch,” she shared with Pictolic.

10 Times People Came Across An Unusual Vending Machine And Just Had To Share It

#10 A Blanket Vending Machine At My Local Movie Theater

Keywords: Candy bar | Vending machines | People | Unusual vending machines

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