10 smallest things

10 smallest things

Categories: Design and Architecture | People | Photo project | Production | Society | World

What may be large for some organisms may seem small for others. For humans, small can be anything from cells that we cannot see with the naked eye to miniature versions of large things that we create with our own hands. So we've compiled a list that covers all of these little items. Here are the 10 smallest things that actually exist.


10 smallest things

1. The smallest pistol.

The diminutive SwissMiniGun C1ST revolver is no bigger than a key but is capable of firing tiny bullets at over 450 km. at one o'clock. The first copies were made in 2005, outlawed in the United States, and cost around $6,200.

10 smallest things

2. The smallest inhabited city.

Barry Drummond is the only resident of Cass in New Zealand, a railway town in the Selwyn region. However, it is hardly lonely, as curious tourists constantly stop to visit the isolated stop. As a result, Drummond added a mini-golf course and a bowling alley to attract more visitors to brighten up his company.

10 smallest things

3. The smallest vertebrate.

In 2012, researchers from Papua New Guinea discovered a 6.8mm long frog, making it the smallest vertebrate in the world. Her name is Paedophryne amanuensis and she was discovered while recording the voices of frogs and after an unfamiliar sound that sounded more like an insect. They were found in leaves on a forest belt, where they were well camouflaged and became the first non-fish to be named the smallest vertebrate in the world.

10 smallest things

4. The smallest person.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Chandra Bahadur Dangi from Nepal was 55 cm tall, making him the world's smallest person to have ever lived. He died in 2015 at the age of 75. Then this title passed to Khagendra Tapa Magar from Nepal, whose height is 63.01 cm.

10 smallest things

5. The smallest living organism.

Scientists believe that the parasitic bacterium Mycoplasma Genitalium, which lives in the genital and respiratory tracts of primates, is the smallest organism capable of independent growth and reproduction.

10 smallest things

6. The smallest bodybuilder.

At just 84 cm tall and weighing 9.5 kg, Aditya "Romeo" Dev from India has become the smallest bodybuilder in the world. He retained this title until his death in 2012.

10 smallest things

7. The smallest prison.

Sark Prison, found in the Channel Islands between England and France, was built as a girls' school in 1841 and was converted into a small prison in 1856.

10 smallest things

8. Small house.

The world's smallest home is the title given to Airbnb's lime green mobile home, which you can rent for $55 a night in Boston. Built by artist Jeff W. Smith, the house is on wheels and contains a stove and toilet, although there is no electricity. Smith delivers it wherever you like, as long as it's allowed by the landowners.

10 smallest things

9. The smallest surviving child.

Born after 26 weeks, the little girl born in Witte, Germany in 2016 is known as the world's smallest premature baby to survive. Her weight was 226 grams, and her height was 22 cm.

10 smallest things

10. The smallest inanimate organism.

While there is still some debate about what is considered "alive" and what is not, most biologists would not classify a virus as a living organism due to the fact that it cannot reproduce or metabolize on its own. However, a virus can be much smaller than any living organism, including bacteria. The smallest is a single DNA strand virus, the porcine circovirus, which is only 17 nanometers across.

Keywords: Smallest things | Small people | Organisms | Humans | Miniature versions

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