10 skin care tips for the cold season

10 skin care tips for the cold season

Categories: Health and Medicine | Life hacks

Skin needs to be taken care of, regardless of the season. In the summer, we worry about UV rays and the damage the sun does to our skin. And in winter, we are faced with the problem of dehydration or, in simple terms, drying out of the skin. Thus, skin care is an ongoing process, so, as they say, not a moment of rest. His first rule is to adapt to his skin type, as well as to the temperature outside. Here are 10 tips to protect your skin during the cold season.

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10 skin care tips for the cold season

10 skin care tips for the cold season

1. Macadamia is your friend.

Macadamia oil is one of the rare oils with a high content of palmitoleic acid. The oil resembles sebum (which our skin produces to protect itself from drying out and wrinkles). It is an excellent emollient that is especially beneficial for dry and mature skin. Remember to use this oil in winter for extra protection.

10 skin care tips for the cold season

2. Exfoliate.

Some women believe that skin exfoliation is a procedure that is strictly forbidden to do in the cold season, because the skin becomes even more vulnerable. This is wrong. If you feel that the skin on your hands, feet, and elbows is dry, it may be due to the dead layer, which can be easily removed with a gentle exfoliation process. To do this, use special cosmetics.

10 skin care tips for the cold season

3. Use a humidifier in the bedroom.

Dry skin and itching can be exacerbated by dry air, especially in winter. Using a humidifier at night will add just the right amount of moisture to the air.

10 skin care tips for the cold season

4. Add an hour of sleep to your routine.

A great way to combat aggressive environmental factors is to add an extra hour of sleep to your routine. If you want your skin to glow with health this time of year, you need to get at least 8 hours of sleep. Then the skin cells will have enough time to regenerate.

10 skin care tips for the cold season

5. Watch your diet.

During the cold season, most people eat more fatty foods than usual. After all, we all have that same instinct to "accumulate fat for the winter." Winter is not the time to give up vegetables and dairy products and eat only meat. Your diet should be as balanced as it was in the summer when you constantly ate fruits and vegetables. The fatter the food, the more it will show up on your skin. Your diet should contain foods that contain oils that prevent the predisposition to overdrying of the skin: butter, fish oil, fish liver oil, coconut oil and fish.

10 skin care tips for the cold season

6. Don't take too hot showers.

While hot showers are a lifesaver when it's cold, don't forget that hot water can damage your skin, especially after being out in the cold air for a long time.

10 skin care tips for the cold season

7. Don't scratch yourself.

Often, dry skin is “calling” to scratch it, and this should always be avoided. That way you make things worse. No scratching! Make sure you break this bad habit - for example, keep your hands busy with something useful.

10 skin care tips for the cold season

8. Hygienic lipstick is a must!

Like skin, lips also suffer in winter. Therefore, in your purse should always be hygienic lipstick or lip balm. It is better to choose a product with a sunscreen and antiseptic substances that help chapped lips. It would also be ideal if the balm contained shea butter or tea tree oil. You will immediately feel the difference.

10 skin care tips for the cold season

9. Forget alcohol.

And not only inside. Whether we're talking about protecting hair or skin, remember to avoid products containing alcohol. When it evaporates, the skin seems to be renewed, but also cooled. And given that it’s already cold outside, there is no need to cool the skin additionally. It will only be harmful.

10 skin care tips for the cold season

10. Use sunscreen.

The cold season is probably the only time of the year when the use of foundation is highly recommended. It will protect your skin from the cold, and if you choose a sunscreen foundation, then also from ultraviolet radiation. Yes, you are also exposed to UV in winter!

Keywords: Ten | Skin | Beauty | Useful tips | Tips

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