10 scientific reasons why drinking beer is healthy, not harmful
Categories: Food and Drinks | Health and Medicine
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/10-scientific-reasons-why-drinking-beer-is-healthy-not-harmful.htmlToday, on the first Friday of August, the International Beer Day is celebrated. The first time this holiday was celebrated in 2007, in Santa Cruz, California, and the founder was the owner of his own bar, Jesse Avshalomov. The beginning of August was chosen for a reason — there are no other beer-related holidays nearby, and it's warm more often than cold outside. In honor of this day, we offer to recall the usefulness of a foamy drink.
"Drink foamy beer — life will be excellent!" It turns out that there is a considerable amount of truth in this statement. There are many scientifically sound reasons to drink beer. And in this issue you will find a dozen arguments in favor of a foamy drink.
Researchers from Virginia Tech have found that people who regularly drink beer in moderation reduce the risk of dying prematurely by 19%. In addition, beer promotes rejuvenation of blood vessel cells by accelerating certain metabolic processes in the body, and also has a calming and analgesic effect and helps to inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria.
There is a widespread stereotype in society that beer makes you fat. But a new book by Tim Spector, a professor at King's College London, claims otherwise. It says that light beer is a good source of nutrients for beneficial intestinal bacteria that make the digestive system work more efficiently. In addition, beer helps to activate the secretion of gastric juice, stimulates the digestive system.
This alcoholic drink contains ingredients that help the human body fight cancer. This conclusion was reached by medical scientists from the Japanese National Institute of Radiology. In hops, in particular, xanthohumol is found, a flavonide that inhibits carcinogenic enzymes.
A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that women who drink one glass of beer a day are less likely to suffer from cognitive problems caused by aging.
A study conducted by the UCL Foundation aimed to prove the existence of a connection between the amount of beer a person drinks and how quickly his stomach is rounded. Not a single scientific proof of this has been found. "People believe that beer drinkers are on average more likely to suffer from obesity than others. But this is not the case. If there is a link between beer and obesity, it is insignificant," the researchers concluded.
People who drink beer in moderation are 41% less likely to suffer from kidney stones. These conclusions were reached by American researchers who spoke about their work in the journal Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.
According to the content of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, beer does not differ from orange juice — a glass of which, drunk at breakfast, is a symbol of a healthy lifestyle. But at the same time, there are fewer calories in the foam drink. Recently, Guinness published statistics that convincingly prove that even the "heavy", dark varieties of its beer contain fewer calories than any sweet drink or even skim milk.
Although beer cannot protect you from the unpleasant state when it is impossible to remember what happened last night, in general, it is more useful than harmful for memory. Xanthohumol, one of the hop compounds, according to recent research by scientists, protects the brain from age-related degenerative changes such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
"If you carefully analyze the chemical composition of a good beer, you will be amazed at the amount of vitamins it contains," says Stefan Domenig, director of the Mayra Health Center in Austria. For example, beer contains a lot of vitamins B1 and B2, and they are present there in a form that is well absorbed. One liter of this drink will provide 40-60% of the daily requirement for thiamine (B1) and riboflavin (B2). Beer is rich in ascorbic acid. A liter of beer will give you 70% of the daily dose of vitamin C. And to meet the daily need for nicotinic and folic acids, it is enough to drink only half a glass.
Beer helps to maintain bone density and joint elasticity due to its silicon content in an easily digestible form. Who would have thought that a glass of beer after lunch could help in creating denser bone tissue. So, in any case, they say in the authoritative scientific journal Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.
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