10 scariest hotels in the world

10 scariest hotels in the world

Categories: Travel

If you don't have enough thrills in everyday life, you can get them while traveling. Especially since the holiday season has just begun. We offer you a selection of the most sinister and frightening hotels in the world, which are inhabited by ghosts that can tickle the nerves of the most desperate travelers. Decide for yourself whether to avoid them, or rather book rooms.

(Total 10 photos)

10 scariest hotels in the world

10 scariest hotels in the world

1. Chillingham Castle, Chillingham, Northumberland, North of England

The castle was originally built to prevent the invasion of the Scots during the time of King Edward I. There are numerous rumors and stories about ghosts living in the castle. Chillingham has historically been a place of torture and suffering. Many people here were beheaded, hanged or starved to death. As a result, the castle has become a favorite haunt for paranormal experts.

10 scariest hotels in the world

2. Queen Mary, Long Beach, California, USA

The Queen Mary is a former luxury cruise ship permanently moored in Long Beach, near Los Angeles, and converted into a hotel. Several witnesses claim to have seen a ghost by the pool where two passengers once died. Other ghosts were also seen on the ship - for example, a young girl in a white dress and an elderly man. Some cabins are not even used due to the fact that inexplicable phenomena regularly occur in them.

10 scariest hotels in the world

3. Stanley Hotel, Estes Park, Colorado, USA

This hotel was made famous by the famous horror author Stephen King, who stayed here to draw inspiration for his novel The Shining. The Stanley Hotel is located deep in the Rocky Mountain National Park and is quite difficult to get to.

10 scariest hotels in the world

4. Hotel del Coronado, San Diego, California, USA

At the end of the 19th century, the Hotel del Coronado was one of the most famous hotels in San Diego. Perhaps the most famous "fatal" case that occurred here is Kate Morgan, who died under mysterious circumstances, whose body was found near the hotel, on the steps leading to the beach. Her ghost lives in room 302, where she stayed. Although strange phenomena occur throughout the hotel.

10 scariest hotels in the world

5. Diplomat Hotel, Baguio, Philippines

Since 1911, this building has served as a seminary, but during the Second World War it was occupied by fleeing deserters from the Japanese army. As a result, the building was blown up by the Japanese forces, causing widespread destruction and death. In 1947, the building was restored, and in 1873 it was acquired by the Diplomat Hotels chain. Employees and guests of the hotel heard strange sounds at night, and often encountered inexplicable phenomena. The hotel was closed after the death of its manager, a spiritual healer named Tony Agpaoa, but people still come here to "talk" with the spirits.

10 scariest hotels in the world

6. Crescent Hotel, Eureka Springs, Arkansas, USA

The Crescent Hotel is considered the most haunted hotel in the United States. There are at least eight of them here. Most who have been here will admit that this hotel, with its many ghost stories, is an eerie place. At one time, the building housed a hospital, known for not quite standard approaches to treating patients, including cancer patients. Therefore, guests here often see the ghosts of doctors and patients who seem completely real.

10 scariest hotels in the world

7. Fairmont Banff Spring Hotel, Alberta, Canada

This historic hotel is located in Banff National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. But, despite its external architectural beauty and the grandeur and sophistication of the interiors, many people avoid staying at this place. The creepiest room in the hotel is room 873, which had children's handprints on the walls. During the next renovation, the entrance to this room was sealed up as if it had never existed.

10 scariest hotels in the world

8. Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, Los Angeles, California, USA

There are witnesses who claim to have seen the ghost of Marilyn Monroe in this hotel. Despite the fact that many deny this story, complaints about her "appearance" at the pool and in the hotel nightclub continue to come in regularly. Another ghostly occupant of the hotel is actor Montgomery Clift. Guests staying on the 9th floor periodically hear the playing of a brass instrument - the actor's favorite instrument.

10 scariest hotels in the world

9. Hoshi Ryokan, Komatsu, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan

This hotel has been owned by the same Japanese family for 46 generations. Perhaps that is why ancient spirits that date back to the 14th century live here. Many magical artifacts can be found throughout the inn. There are also many legends about this place. And in combination with its rather gloomy location, Hoshi Ryokan is considered the scariest hotel in Japan.

10 scariest hotels in the world

10. Rose Hall Great House, Montego Bay, Jamaica

Not currently operating as a hotel, but hosting day and night tours and, for the most intrepid, wedding ceremonies. Rose Hall was built by a certain John Palmer, whose descendant had the imprudence to marry the young Englishwoman Annie. Legend claims that Annie killed Palmer as well as her two next husbands. The ghost of Annie Palmer, nicknamed the "White Witch", still haunts Rose Hall, possibly looking for her next victim. Some also claim that her three murdered husbands roam here, seeking revenge.

Keywords: Ten | Ghosts | Fear

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