10 photos of this year that prove that humanity has hope

10 photos of this year that prove that humanity has hope

Categories: Positive | World

When news about terrorist attacks, hostages, murders, illnesses and other terrible things and events that happen almost every day are literally pouring on TV, radio and the Internet, you involuntarily stop believing that something good is still happening on our planet.

These photos are proof that there are kind people in the world who will not leave in trouble and will help even strangers. If you are tired of the constant negative media, this post will cheer you up and restore faith in humanity.

10 photos of this year that prove that humanity has hope

10 photos of this year that prove that humanity has hope

In Canada, the airline's management allowed to evacuate with animals

When wildfires cut off Fort McMurray from the rest of the world, a mass evacuation began: several tens of thousands of people had to leave the city by plane as soon as possible. But what about pets? The rules of their transportation are so strict that the owners would not have had time to issue all the papers before departure! The airline management allowed them to take their pets on board without unnecessary paperwork. Everything was done correctly: if you save, then everyone. 80 thousand pets were evacuated.

10 photos of this year that prove that humanity has hope

The guy who dreamed of getting into the football team got all the equipment

This photo in itself causes pride for humanity: Marko dreamed of getting into the school football team, but his family could not afford a gym membership or exercise equipment. He did not give up and came up with such a way to improve his fitness.

10 photos of this year that prove that humanity has hope

The story has a continuation: after the photo appeared on the social network of a random passerby, the life of Marco and his family changed, and his dream came true. People from all over the world send the boy sports equipment and words of support.

10 photos of this year that prove that humanity has hope

Portuguese boy comforts crying France fan

This BBC video has already been watched by several million people: a boy in the uniform of a Portuguese player approaches an upset fan of the French national team, he pats a man on the shoulder, and then hugs him. All this happens after the Euro 2016 football final, in which the Portuguese national team defeated the French national team and became the champion.

Even excitement and sports confrontation should not prevent us from remembering the most important thing — that we are all people who sometimes just need to be hugged and comforted.

10 photos of this year that prove that humanity has hope

The driver of the garbage truck congratulated the girl on her birthday, who waved at him through the window for a whole year

Every Thursday, a girl named Brooklyn waved to the driver of a garbage truck that was passing by. The driver always waved back and honked several times as a greeting. "Brooklyn got so used to it that she was looking forward to Thursday every week," the girl's mother writes on her Facebook. It so happened that the baby's birthday fell on Thursday, and as a gift, she asked her mother to make sure that this time the smiling driver stopped by and she could treat him to a festive cupcake. As usual, he was driving by, but saw a woman waving at him.

10 photos of this year that prove that humanity has hope

He stopped, and the acquaintance took place. He congratulated his little friend on her birthday, told her that he himself tries to do his job faster every Thursday in order to have time to drive down their street and please the little girl. When the driver went to work further, Brooklyn said: "Mom, I'm so happy!" It's not necessary to turn mountains, the smile of at least one child is already a feat.

10 photos of this year that prove that humanity has hope

Schoolchildren repeated the graduation for their classmate who was in a car accident

One of the first words Scott Dunn said to his mom after coming out of the coma was: "What is the date now? Did I miss graduation?" The young man was looking forward to an important evening, but because of a terrible car accident he ended up in the hospital. As soon as the boy was on the mend, the school principal contacted his parents: "We have prepared something special for your son."

On the appointed day, congratulatory speeches and sounds of celebration sounded again at school, but this time only one diploma was awarded. The whole class at the parade repeated the ceremony for their classmate. "I have no words, it's incredible to realize how many people, it turns out, care about me."

10 photos of this year that prove that humanity has hope

The whole world supported the girl whose birthday no one came

One of the Facebook users posted this photo with a real cry for help: "This is my cousin... no one came to her birthday... please just send her a postcard with a couple of kind words."

10 photos of this year that prove that humanity has hope

Hayley spent her 18th birthday alone, but what happened next breaks all records for spreading kindness: postcards and gifts flooded her mailbox like a flood. In general, she will definitely not be bored on her next birthday.

10 photos of this year that prove that humanity has hope

Students gave kittens to a teacher whose pet died

Teacher from Texas was very hard going through the loss of the closest creature, a cat named Blondie. The students couldn't help but notice that every break their math teacher bursts into tears. But tears of sadness turned into tears of happiness when a woman was unexpectedly handed a gorgeous bouquet of white roses and ... two kittens. We found out about this thanks to a video that one of the girls posted on Twitter.

At the moment when a woman, not believing her happiness, asks: "Are they really mine?", probably even a stone will cry. It turns out that you need just a little bit of attention to help another person cope with trouble.

10 photos of this year that prove that humanity has hope

An elementary school teacher organized a "Gentleman's Club" for boys from single-parent families

An elementary school teacher from South Carolina found it difficult to get along with bullies from his class. And that's what he did: he bought some ties and jackets and began to collect the most inveterate brawlers who grow up without fathers, every week. "In our lessons, I explain to them what fathers usually tell their sons: how to tie ties, how to address your elders correctly and how to be courteous to your mother, grandmother or sister."

The strict dress code of these meetings is not just a whim: the teacher is sure that a person dressed in a tuxedo will not allow himself to start a fight. "I understand that they behave badly not because they are bad, but because they simply lack attention and love."

10 photos of this year that prove that humanity has hope

Jaguar became the son of a regiment of the Brazilian army

When the soldiers of the Brazilian army found a small jaguar in the Amazon jungle, he was barely alive. They could not leave him in the jungle — this meant certain death at the hands of hunters. They took him with them, but even after a while it was clear that the baby was too weak to let him go free.

10 photos of this year that prove that humanity has hope

Local authorities allowed the baby to be left under the supervision of the Brazilian army. And now the jaguar, which was named Jikitaya, is healthy and surrounded by the care of the people who saved him from death. As long as there are people on earth who care about the suffering of any living being, this planet has a chance.

10 photos of this year that prove that humanity has hope

Flight attendant fed a man who had a stroke

A 71-year-old man who suffered a stroke shortly before the trip was allocated a comfortable chair in the front row. It seemed that the trip should be easy for him. But after the distribution of lunches, the stewardess noticed that the passenger could not hold a spoon and he could not eat. Then she fed him herself and wiped away the tears that appeared in his eyes — he was so touched by the care of a stranger.

Keywords: Kindness | Hope | Help | Humanity

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