10 People Share The Dating Red Flags They Wish They’d Seen Sooner

10 People Share The Dating Red Flags They Wish They’d Seen Sooner

Categories: People | Relationship | Society | World

Maybe they tend to abuse substances or rude behavior towards waiters, but red flags in a relationship are indicators that something needs to be questioned. However, our mind sometimes talks itself into disregarding what our intuition is picking up on.

So when Reddit user Loxomednurmusci asked everyone on the platform to share the biggest dating warning signs that many ignore way too often, people were quick to reply. Most adults are still skeptical of whether algorithms can predict love, so we can't neglect our social skills.


10 People Share The Dating Red Flags They Wish They’d Seen Sooner


“My ex just left one day out of the blue. I came home and her stuff was gone”.

Ladies if you hear this, run.
Abusers know they can’t say my ex was crazy nowadays. This is the new version of it. The woman likely had to flee for safety. Her family members likely had to protect her after fleeing. There’s a reason he couldn’t find her after she left.

10 People Share The Dating Red Flags They Wish They’d Seen Sooner


Cruelty to animals.

10 People Share The Dating Red Flags They Wish They’d Seen Sooner


If his friends are racist, sexist, homophobic, etc, but he claims he's not like them.... He is exactly like them, he just learned to hide it better.

10 People Share The Dating Red Flags They Wish They’d Seen Sooner


Insults masked as joking
“Oh, that’s just his sense of humor..” No. He’s just disguising his honesty with jokes.

10 People Share The Dating Red Flags They Wish They’d Seen Sooner


If the other person doesn’t exhibit some level of curiosity about you. When there’s chemistry, you want to know more about the other person because you find them interesting. If you find yourself carrying the conversation, trying to learn about the other person but they show no interest in learning about you, then it’s a sure sign that there’s no compatibility. Don’t take it personally—no one can be everyone’s cup of tea and it’s better to know that from the beginning.

10 People Share The Dating Red Flags They Wish They’d Seen Sooner


When they are rude to everyone but you, big red flag

10 People Share The Dating Red Flags They Wish They’d Seen Sooner


If it bothers you now, it will surely bother you later, only way worse. Lol.

10 People Share The Dating Red Flags They Wish They’d Seen Sooner


They unsettle you. There's a nagging instinct urging you to keep your distance, even though they appear fine on the surface. An internal conflict arises. Don't dismiss this feeling as a flaw in your character or a result of past traumas. If your intuition is screaming at you to flee, heed its warning no matter how 'alright' the other person may seem. Ignoring it will only amplify the persistent unease, making it increasingly challenging to leave the person.

10 People Share The Dating Red Flags They Wish They’d Seen Sooner


Love bombing! Learn to identify it and then DON’T ignore it. It’s not love - it’s a con.

10 People Share The Dating Red Flags They Wish They’d Seen Sooner


Not being polite to service workers.

Keywords: People | Relationships | Red flags | Abuse substances | Rude behavior | Couple issues

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