10 interesting facts about the movie "Mask"
Categories: Cinema
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/10-interesting-facts-about-the-movie-mask.htmlJanuary 17, 1962 in canadian town of Newmarket, the birthplace of talented comic and dramatic actor Jim Carrey.
The movie "the Mask" — one of the most prominent roles of Jim Carrey, the debut of Cameron Diaz and revolutionary special effects. Probably, each of you watching this have become classics of Comedy, but the facts of the world know not all.
1. In the uncut version of the film begins with a prologue showing the arrival in the eleventh century, the Viking ship in a future North America. The Vikings landed on the beach, bury a chest with a mask of the God Loki and removed.
2. In the film, Loki is called the "God of evil", which it is not. However, the character of Loki passed quite true — in Norse mythology, it is characterized by the duplicity, resourcefulness, cunning and deceit.
3. Coco Bongo nightclub, which is a Mask that is actually the name of the club Jim Carrey in Cancun, Mexico.
4. Director Chuck Russell said that the project was originally "Mask" was conceived as a fairly hard horror film based on the eponymous comic strip (which were rated for adults and different naturalistic image of violence), but later transformed into a Comedy, which became a benefit performance of Jim Carrey.
5. Hero Jim Carrey (by the way, as the actor himself) was a big fan of cartoons. It was therefore decided that, becoming a Mask, a hero will depict various cartoon characters. The result was played by such famous characters Studio Warner Bros., as the Tasmanian Devil, bugs Bunny and Pepe Le Pew and wolf of the cartoons of Tex Avery, whose behavior Mask copies during the performance of Tina.
6. For Cameron Diaz in the role of Tina Carlyle was the debut. She had to audition 12 times, and adopted the role of a future star of Comedy in just seven days prior to filming. To her this role, wanted to invite Anna Nicole Smith — at that time almost as unknown, but "budding" blonde.
7. For Cameron Diaz in the film sings Irish singer, mezzo-soprano Susan Boyd.
8. The scene in which the Mask is running away from the pursuing gangsters and pulls the used condom out of his pocket with the words "Oops, wrong pocket," was improvised by the actor.
9. The bright yellow costume that clothed the hero of Jim Carrey, was prepared by the costumers at the request of the actor. So Jim wanted to pay tribute to his mother, who sewed similar suit for his first performance as a stand-up comedian.
10. According to the initial idea huge teeth of Mask should be used only for the silent scenes. However, Jim showed skill and learned to talk with these "teeth overgrown", which gave an additional eccentricity of his character.
Keywords: Actors | Comedy mask | The facts | The film
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