10 good stories that will restore faith in people

10 good stories that will restore faith in people

Categories: World

In this crazy world, it is so important to be able to remain human and come to the rescue at a difficult moment. We believe that good will not go unnoticed and everyone is able to make our planet a little better.

10 good stories that will restore faith in people

10 good stories that will restore faith in people

Blind in one eye guy bought a one-eyed dog that no one wanted to buy

Jordan Trent lost sight in one eye a few years ago, but since then, doctors have not been able to cure him. One day, Jordan and his children were walking in the market in search of a puppy. When they saw this fluffy lump, they could not pass by: the puppy did not have one eye. Of course, the family accepted the baby into their home: despite his illness, the puppy grows up as an active and funny dog, which can be seen on Instagram.

10 good stories that will restore faith in people

The child fell asleep while waiting in line to Santa, but he let his parents not wake the baby

Six-month-old Zeke Walters came with his parents to the mall to take a picture with Santa. But the baby, while waiting for his turn, got tired and fell asleep. Then Santa offered not to wake the child and nevertheless took a picture with him, also pretending to be sleeping sweetly. It turned out to be an incredibly touching picture!

10 good stories that will restore faith in people

Woman donates toy store to homeless children

Carol Suchman from New York has one noble habit: for the holidays, she buys children's toys and gives them to needy children. This time she saw a half-bankrupt toy store and decided to do even more good: she bought the store and, as usual, gave the toys to the children.

10 good stories that will restore faith in people

Girl donates hair to children with cancer

Emily James is still a very small three-year-old girl, but she already has a big heart: she donated her long hair to children with cancer. The idea belongs to the girl's mother, who once, in her teens, gave her hair to patients after chemotherapy in the same way. “I don’t want children to be sad because they lost their own hair. And I can help them, so I give mine,” says little Emily.

10 good stories that will restore faith in people

Flight attendant feeds sick passenger with stroke

While flying aboard a passenger plane in China, an elderly man who was semi-paralyzed and had recently suffered a stroke was given a spacious front seat. The couple was flying economy class and his wife could not be given a seat next to him, so they had to sit separately. During lunch, the flight attendant noticed that the man had difficulty holding a spoon in his hands. Then she offered her help: she knelt down and fed him. The passengers were very touched by such an act, and the man himself could not hold back his tears.

10 good stories that will restore faith in people

Coffee house where dogs are allowed to sleep at night

The owners of a coffee shop located in the city of Mytilini (Greece) turned out to be people with a big heart: in the evenings, when the last guests leave, the owners let stray dogs into their establishment. Now the poor can sleep in warmth and comfort without fear for life.

10 good stories that will restore faith in people

A young guy heroically saved a child from a fire

Once, a fire broke out in the house of 25-year-old Oleg Tronov. The staircase was covered in thick smoke, and on the neighboring balcony the guy saw two women with small children who were hostages of the situation. The young man did not lose his head, climbed through the hatch in his own balcony to the roof and, risking his own life, saved a one-year-old boy from the neighbor's balcony. Fortunately, after some time, firefighters arrived and rescued the remaining people. Rescuers awarded Oleg along with the participants in the elimination of the fire.

10 good stories that will restore faith in people

Farmer turns 3 million hectares of desert into fertile soil

The story of this man named Savadago began back in 1974, when he decided to help his country Burkina Faso survive the drought. Because of it, most of the inhabitants were forced to move, but Sawadago came up with an ancient method of tilling the soil with compost, water and seeds. Moreover, he rode his motorcycle all over the country and taught other people his skills. After 40 years, more than 3 million hectares of the desert, thanks to the efforts of Sawadago and his assistants, turned into fertile soil.

10 good stories that will restore faith in people

The girl forgot the plush rabbit in the hotel, and the staff sent her a photo report about his vacation

When hotel staff in Ireland discovered a plush hare forgotten by one of the guests in one of the rooms, they were not at a loss. The employees decided to take some photos of the rabbit's vacation inside the hotel and post them on Facebook. And after a while, the little mistress of the toy was found, who was very happy to get her pet back.

10 good stories that will restore faith in people

The guy adopted the fox from the fur farm to save her life

Here is Martin - an activist to save foxes from fur farms and just a great guy. Once he decided to save at least one animal from the prospect of becoming someone's fur coat and took a little fox to his home. Since then, the animal has grown noticeably, and Martin continues to fight for animal rights and even created a protective organization.

Keywords: Business | Kindness | People

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