10 facts about vodka

10 facts about vodka

Categories: Food and Drinks

We continue our series of facts about alcohol, but we still consider it necessary to remind you that excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health!

10 facts about vodka

10 facts about vodka

1. Compared to other alcoholic drinks, vodka is the purest drink in the world, as it contains less fusel oils.

10 facts about vodka

2. The signature vodka bottle “Moscow Special” was patented in 1894.

10 facts about vodka

3. A liter of vodka weighs 953 grams.

10 facts about vodka

4. Resolution of the State Defense Committee No. 56200 on the famous “front-line hundred grams” was adopted on August 22, 1941.

10 facts about vodka

5. Before drinking, vodka must be cooled to 8–10 degrees Celsius. Colder vodka hides the taste, so sometimes cafes serve vodka that is too cold if it is of poor quality.

10 facts about vodka

6. The prototype of vodka (Aqua-Vita) was brought to Russia by the Italians in 1429.

10 facts about vodka

7. During the time of Catherine II, vodka was considered the most elite drink in the world.

10 facts about vodka

8. Until 1885, vodka was sold to take away only in buckets (12.3 l.)

10 facts about vodka

9. Those who say that vodka does not spoil are mistaken. The shelf life of vodka is 12 months.

10 facts about vodka

10. January 31, 1865 Mendeleev defended his doctoral dissertation “On the combination of alcohol with water.”

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