10 facts about the US police

10 facts about the US police

Categories: Society

What do you know about the American police, apart from a few stereotypes from Hollywood movies? No matter how much you know, now you can fill up your horizons with a couple of new facts - facts about the US police.

10 facts about the US police

10 facts about the US police

1 fact: In general, there is no such term "US Police", each state has its own police department, independent of the others. Moreover, in different states, the structure of police departments may vary quite noticeably, but the main features can still be viewed.

10 facts about the US police

2 fact: The salary of a police officer in the USA is from 40 thousand dollars a year. With seniority, this amount increases. Overtime is paid at a rate of 150%. That is, 1 hour of overtime is equal to 1.5 "normal" hours.

10 facts about the US police

3 fact: A police officer's leave is equal to 20 days in the first 3 years of service and 26 days starting from the 4th year. The order of leave depends on who has served longer.

10 facts about the US police

4 fact: Titles in the USA are not awarded "by seniority" or for certain merits. Upon joining the police, a person receives the title of "officer" or "detective", which is the youngest, and about 90% of police officers retire with this title.

10 facts about the US police

5 fact: In the case of a transfer or just a device to a new police department, a person must start again with the rank of an officer and go all the way "up". The rank from the old police department is not retained.

10 facts about the US police

6 fact: You should not try to bribe a policeman in the USA. With 99% certainty, you will be brought to court for this. Corruption in the American police practically does not exist.

10 facts about the US police

7 fact: In America there is no concept of "witnesses": a policeman can interrogate witnesses or victims alone, and his words will be believed. A policeman can get up to 15 years in prison for lying.

10 facts about the US police

8 fact: In American films, you can often see how some policeman, showing his badge, takes another person's car or motorcycle. This is true: citizens are obliged to provide the police with their vehicle if necessary.

10 facts about the US police

9 fact: In the same films, we often see detainees demanding to call a lawyer. This requirement is a little different from what we imagine. A detainee has the right to call a lawyer if he has a personal lawyer. Otherwise, he will see his lawyer for the first time only in court. A free lawyer is presented only to those citizens who cannot pay for his services themselves.

10 facts about the US police

10 fact: Married couples cannot work in the same police department. It is believed that this undermines discipline. In addition, in the event of an emergency, the presence of a spouse who may be in trouble may demoralize the second family member, and he will not be able to act professionally.

Keywords: Horizon | Police | Usa | Top 10 | Facts | Film

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