10 details of a female image that men will 100% pay attention to
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By Vika https://pictolic.com/article/10-details-of-a-female-image-that-men-will-100-pay-attention-to.htmlA beautiful woman will be noticed by men from afar. At the same time, she will not necessarily look like Pamela Anderson in her best years, hardly in an evening look and with perfect styling. No wonder it is considered that beauty is hidden in the details, and neatness and naturalness are the best combination for the right impression.
We have collected in this article a few details that men pay attention to when meeting with a chosen one. Some of the comments surprised us. We offer you to look at women from the outside and find out how exactly you can attract the opposite sex.
1. Manicure
Regrettably, the main part of the stronger sex does not care about manicures. Even if they notice that the girl's coat has peeled off, they will simply forget about this fact. But for some reason, against bright varnish and long nails, men are against it: in their opinion, a neat nude or jacket looks much more elegant.
2. Small tummy
Most men do not pay attention to a small tummy. To some, such a figure seems even sexier than a perfectly flat press. Everything is connected at the biological level, but it also has an aesthetic side.
3. Brows
A man will not appreciate painted eyebrows or a bad tattoo. Here their opinion can be understood and accepted because eyebrows are an important detail of any image. She not only speaks about the beauty of the girl, but also reflects her accuracy.
4. Makeup
Most of all, men do not like lipsticks of unnatural colors, it's hard to say why: maybe it's harder to kiss a girl like that? Bright makeup generally does not correlate with their ideas about femininity. Another thing is minimalist solutions or classics like red lips.
5. Skin problems
Men notice skin imperfections but do not focus on them. If this is a treacherous pimple that popped up right before a date, then they will ignore it: today there is, and tomorrow it will not be. However, serious skin problems will lead the opposite sex to the idea that the girl does not know how to take care of herself.
6. Mat
Men, for the most part, do not react in any way if obscene expressions slip in a moderate amount in a girl’s speech. Many are even glad that their partner can speak a simple language.
7. Hair
Before a date, you can not break the schedule for washing your hair. Men will not understand the degree of purity of hair if they do not wash their hair for a day or two. The main thing is not to overdo it: sebaceous icicles will disgust anyone.
8. Eyelashes
Each man has his own attitude to this detail. Some are struck by the look of extended eyelashes, others find beauty in a natural look. In any case, all parties agreed on one thing: eyelashes should look neat and natural, and not enhance the effect of artificiality.
9. Perfume
Men pay attention to the fragrance carried by the girl. This detail cuts into memory, makes you remember your companion after the meeting, and evokes pleasant associations. It repels only an obsessive smell - for example if a lady went too far when applying perfume.
10. Legs
Let's not talk about length but about smoothness. Almost all men do not mind that their chosen one does not have perfectly smooth skin. The regrown hairs don't scare them, so you can put aside trying to match the women in strips and razors.
And what details will you focus on when meeting a person?
Keywords: Details | Female image | Femininity | Impression | Naturalness | Neatness | Perfect styling | Woman life
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